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It was now the end of the second day of my high school life. It was around 6:50 P.M. I had just arrived after joining the Football club. I was now at the café which was full of Couples and girls. I was the only one alone boy. As I drank my coffee and was about to leave the café, I spotted a girl...Horikita to be exact sitting at the other corner whilst reading a book 'Crime and Punishment'. A very good choice indeed. A smirk formed on my face as I approached her without her noticing. She was here all alone...like me.

"Yo Horikita." I said while sitting opposite her, our faces were in front of each other...not like that, they had quite the distance between each other but we were facing each other. She just looked at me and ignored me. Oof...

"Why the hell do you always ignore me?" I asked.

"You are annoying." She said...emosuke much. Bitch I ain't no pink trash.

"What did I ever do to you?" I said with a fake tear.

"You always come in between when me and Ayanokoji are talking." She said not even looking at me.

"What's your obsession with him?!" I asked because that was a really dumb reason. Though I do it purposely to annoy her cause I know she gets annoyed. Every Tsundere does.

"You don't let me initiate a conversation with someone who...is really interesting. Of course I find that annoying." She said.

"Interesting huh? And what conversation are you even talking about? Like a fucking shampoo?" I said remembering the last time I interrupted their conversation. And left not even a minute after.

"That was one time." She said.

"And I interrupted your conversation with him only 3 times, one being the shampoo and other when you didn't even fucking know him and considered him as someone inferior to you!" I said quite irritated with her reasoning to ignore me and find me annoying.

"Well if you know that, can't you understand that I just don't want to talk with you?" She said not even looking at me.

"..." Now she had done it, if she doesn't want to talk so be it. I got up and walked away, before walking away I looked at her. Surprisingly she was looking at me, not in her 'cold glare' but...a different one, it was just different. Maybe she felt bad or something. But now, I don't give a fuck. I ain't talking with her unless she wants to...because I just don't have it in me to ignore someone despite what they do to me. This was the second time in my life I initiated a conversation myself, and failed miserably. Way too go me, yay!

I walked out and just was....walking around the campus, there was nothing much to do. I just had one friend, two if you consider Sudou but we didn't really talk after the events of yesterday. I took out my phone and called Ayanokoji. Surprisingly he picked up, after the school ended I called him three times and he didn't pick up, but right now he did.

"Why the hell weren't you picking up the call?" I asked clearly angry.

"I slept after coming to my room." He said, I sighed after hearing that.

"Why did you call me?" Ayanokoji asked.

"Obviously to hang out, you are the only one friend I have for fuck's sake." I said, I was annoyed already by Horikita's behaviour and also angry at Ayanokoji for not picking up my calls.

"Eh...fine where are you right now?" He asked.

"Don't worry, I am coming to your room, 401 right?" I asked.

"Yes" he said not complaining that I'm coming to his room.

"Ok I'll be there in a few." I said and hung up. I was still standing few steps in front of the café. I saw Horikita walk out and just glared at her. She looked back... but not in her ice queen demeanour. I slowly looked away and walked off.

A Fool...(COTE X OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя