Formation of groups.

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It has now been a week since Advance Nurturing High School took in freshers. Our Class, had formed in many friend groups. And I wasn't a part of them. Surprisingly, Ayanokoji got really close to the Hirata and Karuizawa's group. Good for him...the one who was expected to be a loner by me, is now a part of a friend group whereas the only people who talk to me are Hirata and Sudou. Sudou because I saved his ass and Hirata only for class matters which aren't much right now and Ayanokoji. Everyone else seems to have forgotten my presence...just in a damn week.

I was right now playing games in my room with Ayanokoji. We were almost done playing and then someone called me...

"Hirata? Do you need something?" I asked him, apparently he was the one who called me.

"Uh actually yea, I would like to discuss the matter of class leader..." He said. Now that I think of it, me and Ayanokoji didn't really tell them our plans while considering them in our plans. I sighed.

"Hm fine, you can come right now in my room. Bring Kushida and Horikita with you, Ayanokoji is already here." I said and hung up the call.

"What was that about?" Ayanokoji asked.

"Eh class leader, apparently we forgot to tell them our plan." I said

He sighed, he didn't really want to interact with many people at the same time but I guess he was okay with it right now because the people who are coming in my room are closer to him than others.

"Ayanokoji, I've been wondering when are you coming to the football club?" I asked.

"I told you, I'll think about it." He said much to my annoyance.

"I'll give you free Ice cream." I said. Over this week I got to know many things about Ayanokoji. He had never played games, never been to an arcade nor had eaten Ice cream until I introduced it to him. I didn't raise any questions. But it made me wonder...what type of environment was he raised in?

"For a month?" He asked.

"For your entire school time." I said with a smirk. It was a offer he can't deny afterall.

"I'll surely think about it and tell you." He said.

I facepalmed. "Not that again." I said.

"It sure is a good offer but...I need to think about it" he simply reasoned his previous statement.

I sighed and turned off the T.V. I bought to play my PlayStation. Of course, I had more points than any first year right now because of those senpai's. I'm going to surely use them. Then there were Sudou and Ayanokoji who I had given some of the points.

"I'm surprised you are using so much points." Ayanokoji stated.

"Well I'm not planning to change classes in the near future nor I am going to waste my points to save someone from expulsion or shit. So might as well use them" I shrugged.

"You won't even save me?" He said sarcastically.

"You think you'll get expelled..?" I asked.

"Maybe." He said. "But if I do will you try and save me?" He asked.

He's now being like canon Karuizawa monotone voice and poker face.

"Nope, I ain't wasting my points on a guy who is not planning to contribute to the class." I said jokingly.

"I am hurt." He said.

"Don't care." I said. I chuckled and got up and went to kitchen, I was now preparing drinks for the guests who can arrive at any moment now.

"Coffee or tea Ayanokoji?" I said whilst preparing some tea.

"Coffee." He said.

I nodded and came back with a cup full of coffee. It was hot. He just took it out of my hand.

A Fool...(COTE X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora