Ship again 😃 (I'm a dumbass)

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Ok ok. Fucking hell many of you are confused as fuck and so am I. So I'm declaring this....

Kai X Chiaki X Horikita.

I'm done with this shit. That's the ship.
If you don't like it...yea leave if you want. Half my viewers are with Chiaki and half my viewers are with Horikita. So uhm...

That's the solution I came up with.'ll take some time and build up to get Horikita in love because of her attitude so Horikita fans...chill down for a bit and enjoy Kai X Chiaki, it ain't that bad of a ship.

Their personalities go hand in hand. And the main focus of this ship is not the ship's they just play a big role that's all.

If we haven't forgotten, Kai's goal is to reach Class A for now. Ayanokoji is helping it is going to be really easy. The next chapter may take time okay? I still am to decide what to do of the island exam because Ryuuen has joined forces with Kai and Ayanokoji. And the most important exams of my life are still going on...and I haven't studied shit. Fr.

I have a rough idea but still am not sure. You can leave some suggestions and I can pick up some points from it. I probably won't but I'm still open for a suggestion. So yea...

The next chapter will be a S.S. focusing on Kei and Ayanokoji, this will happen 2 days before the island exam.

That's all I have to say. Meet ya in the next chapter.

Till then...

Peace out!

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