"Sounds easy enough," I mumbled as I looked out at the dark water. I wondered what type of creatures lurked down there. Alastor handed me the rod, placing my hands in the position he had them in. "Flick the bail up and hold the line with your finger," Alastor said softly.

What the fuck is a bail- oh the lever! I flicked the thing up and quickly placed my finger on the line, which felt a bit sharp. Something I was not expecting. I pulled the rod over my shoulder, the hook swinging over it. "Now swing the rod towards the water and let go of the line as you do it," Alastor said. I took a deep, I didn't know why I was so nervous but I was.

I started swinging the rod, remembering the words let go... well I let go of the line definitely... and the WHOLE FUCKING ROD. I watched as the rod went flying into the water, standing in disbelief. "Fuck," I muttered under my breath as the rod slowly began to sink into the murky water.

"Y/n...," Alastor sounded shocked. "I said the line... not the whole rod darling," Alastor muttered out. I slowly looked at him, his eyes wide looking at the spot where the rod was thrown. His head turned, looking at me, his smile twitching a bit before he broke out into laughter.

"How did you manage that one dear," he laughed. I just stood like a deer in headlights... I didn't even know what to say. "I uh... you said let go and I let go, but of everything," I mumbled quickly. He chuckled, leaning over to me as he hooked a finger under my chin.

"Oh isn't that just precious-" just as he was speaking a giant creature jumped out of the water, its mouth wide open as it emerged from the water, big waves coming and splashing against the dock as it disappeared into the water. The thing was larger then the very dock we stood on.

"Well that's a reel-y big catch," Alastor chuckled. I looked over at him with wide eyes, now was not a time to make some stupid dad joke. "What the fuck was that thing?!" I stared back at the water as larger air bubbles rose to the surface.

"Hmm some sea creature of the sorts," Alastor shrugged. "Oh fuck no... no more fishing!" I backed up, heading the box of fishing things and packing it up quickly. "Ha ha, was that all it took for you?" Alastor mocked me.

"That thing is fucking terrifying," I said through my teeth as I picked up the box and grabbed Alastor's hand, dragging him off the dock onto land. "We are never fishing again," I muttered as Alastor laughed.

Rosie's POV:

"So my Dad got in touch with a few of the other overlords in the ring... one of them my ex, but anwaysss, we can get everyone permission granted in Envy, Lust, and Gluttony... Wrath, Sloth, and Greed either said no or hasn't gotten back," Charlie's demonic form came up when she spoke about her ex, causing me to chuckle lightly.

"Well this wonderful news, whose all going to come?" I looked around at the lobby, seeing Husk and Angel having a chat by the bar, Nifty sweeping around, and in front of me stood Charlie and Vaggie.

"Well about that... I haven't asked anyone yet," Charlie said awkwardly. "Well my dear, why not ask now," I smiled as I walked over to the demons at the bar. "How would you two like to go to the other rings?" I grinned at Angel and Husk. "Fuck yeah," Angel grinned as Husk side eyed him.

"I'm good," Husk raised his hands up. "Common, are ya a scaredy cat?" Angel mocked him. "No I'm just... no, I can't," Husk sighed. Perhaps it was something of Alastor's deal which restrained him. "Well Angel, is up, what about you Niffty dear?" I bent down as the little thing came running over. "Yes, I can, what are other rings?" Her pupil dilated to an abnormal size.

"On second thought, Niffty you can hold the fort as we're gone," I said calmly as she nodded vigorously. "So Charlie and Vaggie? Will you both be accompanying Angel and I?" I asked as I spun with a smile on my face.

"Well actually, Charlie won't be coming because of things with Heaven right now, but I'll come... We'll find Y/n," Vaggie smiled warmly at me. "We will," I whispered softly. Oh how I hoped she was in love with him rather than being tortured.

Alastor was a very powerful man. One with a temper. Although he had control, he only had so much. And well Y/n she was a bit... of a smart aleck. I hope she was okay.

Alastor's POV:

"Dinner is served," I placed the plate in front of Y/n as she stared at it in awe. "This smells amazing," she smiled at me in shock. "What is it?" She raised an eyebrow as I came and sat beside her at the breakfast bar. "Jambalaya, my Mother's old recipe," I grinned at her.

She took a fork full of the rice mixture before shoving it in her mouth. "Do you like it dear?" I asked curiously. It was not for everyone, some found it too spicy, others didn't like the flavors. But Y/n's face said otherwise. "This is so good," she covered her mouth with a hand as she swallowed.

I smiled genuinely at her, glad she liked it. I looked over at my own plate, a dreadful feeling taking over me. Regret perhaps? Regret for lying to her about Rosie being disgusted with both of us, when it really in fact only me. Regret for blinding her with a deal that really didn't benefit her all too much.

I urged her to tell Rosie so it would add less wait to my end of the deal. And Vox well, I simply did not like the flat face man but he was a useless threat to me over and over again. Minus the fact now I didn't enjoy one bit of his interest in my dear.

Regret though, a feeling I wasn't all too familiar with. I grew very fond of Y/n over these past days we've spent together. More so than before. Something about her always struck my interest. I didn't know what it was then, but now I was starting to. She made my heart beat in a different way.

She had control over me she wasn't even aware of. She made me feel good inside, wearing away any boredom with her company. Was I branding myself a fool to love? Was this even that?

Suddenly I didn't feel hungry. I didn't feel anything of the sort. I felt full, full of the beings energy next to me. The divine creature causing destruction to my mind. She could make my head spin in ways it hadn't before. Like a blissful spell. Love. This was love.

I felt my smile tighten. How could the Radio Demon feel love? I was a killer, a ruthless one. How could she care for me in such a way? Sleep curled up to me at night knowing the acts I've committed. The sadistic nature of me. I had her soul for crying out loud. Was I the fool in this or was she? Or was all this a natural accident?

I was thinking of this all while holding my breath. My fist tightened around the fork I held. My heart was claiming its glory over me. Was I to be one of those love stricken fools who let their work die? No, that could never happen. I wouldn't let it happen. I wanted to tear my own heart out and end this process now. Kill it all before it grows even more. But the damage was done.

I never wanted Y/n to hurt. I wanted to protect and bring that lovely smile to her face. I wanted to hold her at night until she fell asleep. She could never know of the thoughts I was having moments ago. No, that would destroy her. She could never know I lied about what Rosie had really meant. Why we ran. None of it.

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