Chapter 12

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Vox's POV:

6 years you hid away Y/n. 6 fucking years! And then you go and find the Radio Demon thinking he could save you. I owned you first! That's not how this fucking works darling.

I watched the glitchy camera footage over and over again. Watching as she leaned into Alastor for comfort before disappearing in thin air. He had her soul, I could feel it. "FUCK!" I slammed my fist on the desk.

They would both pay for this. Soon they'd see how stupid their decision was. I'd get you eventually, one way or another. You were to be mine.

Y/n's POV:

I sat on my bed, staring blankly at the floor. I left Alastor's room pretty quick after he set the chain free. I really fucked myself over here. He was right, I should've told Rosie before. That way, I'd still have a soul.
A monster he was. Despicable. Vile. "Ahh," I groaned as I pulled at my hair. I needed to sleep. Today was far too eventful and chaotic. My head ached, my eyes hurt.

I climbed under the covers after shutting off the lights, resting my head on the soft pillow. "Fuck this day," I mumbled as I closed my eyes, falling asleep soon after.


"Y/n common," Stacy grabbed my wrist as she pulled me to my house. It was my birthday, a day I hated. My parents would do nothing, in fact they would make the day worse than any other. Sometimes they'd even buy a cake, eat it in front of me, and then make me clean plates. Not letting me have anything.

"Stacy, I thought we were just going to the mall?" I pulled back from her, but her grip was strong for the petite girl she was. "Just come," she chuckled, looking over her shoulder at me with a grin as we reached the doorstep. "You don't under-"

The door flung open, the small living room filled with people, the second they saw me they yelled surprise. I stood there in shock as Stacy went and disappeared into the crowd. I didn't know what to say or do. "You just gonna stand there?" My Dad muttered at me.

I walked in, a smile of shock creeping on my face as I shut the door behind me. I looked around at the faces, my friends, some people who were my parents' close friends, and a group of boys, one of them being the one I've had a crush on since freshman year too.

"Hey birthday girl," he walked up to me with a smirk. "Why are you here Jake?" I stared at him in shock. "Tish told me, thought I'd stop in on the fun," he rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around at Tish who was giving him a smirk.

"Wanna talk in the backyard for a minute?" He looked back at me and smirked. "Oh uh... yeah," I said nervously, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. He grabbed my hand and brought me through the crowd of people in the house out to the backyard.

He spun me around so my back was facing the door as he grinned at me. "Having a good day so far?" He asked, letting go of my hand as he stared at me. "I guess so," I mumbled. He pulled out his phone, aiming it at me. I hid my face nervously, confused about what he was doing.

"Move your hands, trust me, you'll want to remember this moment forever," he chuckled lightly. I slowly lowered my hands and looked at the phone, something in my gut told me to run. But I just rubbed it off to be nerves I was actually talking to my crush.

"Happy birthday LOSER!" Yelled someone above me. As I looked up suddenly I was being drenched in some sort of slime water thing. Soaking me head to toe. "Ah," I groaned as I wiped the stuff off my face and saw Tish and Beth holding a bucket, hanging outside the upstairs window that was perfectly lined with the back door.

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