Chapter 5

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(^Reminder, any Art /images are not mine^)

Y/n's POV:

Alastor was towering over me, holding my chin up so our eyes could meet. I was lost in his eyes, the power he held in them. My brain didn't even process the words he said at first... until they did.

My eyes went wide, "What is that supposed to mean?!" He chuckled, his eyes scanning my every reaction, every emotion that placed onto my face within a matter of seconds. "Your soul, it could be mine," his words sent chills down the back of my neck.

Without even thinking I shoved him away while I stumbled back a bit, my heart now beating out of my chest. "No!" I yelled at him, staring down at the floor as I tried to regain myself. Why did his touch have such an effect on me? Like it made my brain foggy and skin crawl. I didn't understand it.

"Why not? I could give you anything you ever wanted just for the small, small, price of that soul of yours," his voice was low as he walked towards me, dragging his claws lightly against the counter.

"I said no Alastor!" I looked up at him, standing my ground. "You will never, ever, have my soul, nor will anyone," I spat venom at him as he now stood an inch away from me. "If you say so," he tilted his head to the side with a grin before a shadow overtook his form and he disappeared in thin air.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath as I grabbed my chest, it felt like I was having a heart attack. I continued cooking, the whole time thinking of what he had said before. The mention of the poison thing, the wanting my soul. He was getting in my head.

I didn't understand how Rosie was friends with this man. Besides their shared interests in traditional values and being overlords, what really was that likable about this guy? He seemed like he could be charming at times, but I could see through that mask... He was only like that because he wanted something.

I brought dinner out to the dining room I had passed earlier when I went to Charlie's office. To my surprise everyone was already there but Alastor, happily looking up at me when they saw the food. "Garlic butter steak bites anyone?" I raised the tray as they all nodded.

I set the tray on the table, Vaggie waving me over to sit next to her. I smiled as I walked over and sat beside her. As everyone began serving themselves we started having a conversation about their friend who had passed in the battle, Sir Pentious.

Hearing how they spoke of him, he sounded like a lovely man. He died for these very demons, for all of Hell really. It was honorable. Heroic. "Cherry has been talking of him nonstop," Angel laughed, the others joining in.

"Of whom?" Alastor's voice echoed through the room, everyone going silent. "Hey Al," Charlie cleared her throat. "We were talking about Pentious," Vaggie said, not bothering to look up at Alastor. "Oh yes, that fella," Alastor hummed as he grabbed a plate off the table and served himself a portion.

He went and sat beside Angel, starting to eat as the conversation continued where it had left off. I felt his eyes on me, burning holes in my skin. I tried my best to ignore it, trying to listen to the others talk rather than his glare. "Someone has a staring problem," Vaggie leaned over and whispered to me.

I turned and looked at her, nodding in agreement. "Couldn't agree with you more," I giggled as a smile curled onto my lips. "What's so funny dears?" Alastor spoke up, cutting off Angel mid sentence.

Vaggie and I both looked up at him, before Vaggie leaned back over to me. "I'm surprise one of his abilities isn't super hearing," Vaggie whispered quickly. I don't why, but to me that was really funny. You hear all the things this man is capable of but hearing from afar didn't seem to be one.

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