𝟔𝟔. (𝟗𝐱𝟏𝟒 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞)

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Grace came running into the kitchen where Mark was. She frowned. "Daddy. That's a dollar you gots to put in my jar," she said as she looked to him and ran back out of the room. She came back a few moments later with her jar.

Mark inwardly groaned. He knew how Jackson had told Grace she needed a swear jar for when her mommy or daddy swore. And she would soon be a millionaire.

Grace looked to her dad and smiled. "See! I getting a lot of dollars now. Mommy no swear."

"Cause your mommy saves it for when you're not around. So she doesn't have to put money in," Mark mumbled. He took out some money and put it in the jar.

Grace giggled. She looked to Mark. "I call Jackson?" She asked as she smiled.


"I wants to!"

Mark rolled his eyes. He took out his phone and dialled Jackson's number. He answered a few moments later;

Grace// uncle Jackson!
Jackson// hey Gracie. You okay?
Grace// daddy put another dollar in my jar! He keeps saying bad words!
Jackson// see I told you that you were gonna be rich
Grace// I has to go now. I see you at work! I coming with daddy

Mark smiled as Grace ended the call. She looked to him. "Don't be sad daddy! I going to be rich," she said.

Jackson smiled as he saw Grace running towards him. He picked her up and held her. "How's my favourite girl?" He asked.

"I okay. Daddy not happy he has to put dollars in my jar. But he can't say bad words round me," Grace told him.

Jackson nodded. He smiled. "Well daddy is a naughty boy. You should find mommy and Esmè. And then tell them what he does," he said as he looked to her.

"I do that!"

Mark walked over. He looked to Jackson. "Thanks for that. My kid is basically taking my money."

Jackson smiled. "Hey. I'm helping my goddaughter out with her future."

Mark scoffed. "The only thing that money is getting spent on is dolls. Chlo has lost her mind with the settlement money. She says she doesn't want it. Wants to give her share to Grace for her collage," he told him.

"Have you thought about buying a house? I imagine it's only so long before Grace2.0 is here," Jackson said.

Mark raised his eyebrows. He shook his head. "Chlo doesn't want another yet. She loves it being Grace."

Chloe grinned as she saw Mark. He walked over to her and kissed her. "Stop leaving me in the middle of the night. I miss you."

Chloe smiled to him. "A baby needed me. Are you okay?" She asked.

Mark shook his head. "Grace isn't letting go of this swear jar. She wanted to bring it here."

"Yeah. Esmè tells me she called Jackson and told him you put more money in there. You're gonna go broke," Chloe said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Mark nodded. "You think? I don't know why I expected Grace to be completely normal. She's your daughter," he mumbled.

Chloe raised her eyebrows. She nodded. "She's half you too. So don't even try that," she said as she kissed him. "I'm surprised you don't wanna be the face of the hospital."

Mark shook his head. "Pfft. And have everyone gawp at me? No thank you."

Chloe smiled. "You'll always be the love of my life. You know that?" She said.

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