𝟓𝟖. (𝟗𝐱𝟎𝟐 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞)

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Addison Montgomery walked down the hallways of the hospital in Boise. She had her granddaughter with her. And she couldn't get the memory of being told Chloe had been in a plane accident out of her head.

Addison was sitting with Grace in the daycare. She knew how her granddaughter was missing Chloe. And she was too. But she knew she would be back soon. And then she was going to take her away to celebrate her passing her boards.

She looked up as Jackson walked in. "Oh. Dr Montgomery. Sorry," he said.

Addison smiled. "Call me Addie. Coco tells me you supplied her peanut butter cups when she was pregnant with Grace. Have you heard from them?" She questioned.

Jackson shook his head. He sighed. "No. Esmè and I had a row before she left. So I kinda need to make it up to her," he told her.

"Esmè is strong. I've known her since I came here. She's a lovely girl though. She'll make you happy," Addison said as she pulled Grace onto her lap.

Both of them looked up as Bailey walked in. She looked pale as anything. Addison stood up. "Miranda?"

"Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Chloe Montgomery, Esmè Robbins, Mark Sloan, Lexie Grey, Derek Shepherd and Arizona Robbins were involved in a plane crash."


"I'm looking for my daughter. Chloe Montgomery," Addison said as she looked to a doctor.

"She's this way. She's quite distressed. Maybe you can calm her down."

Addison followed the doctor to where Chloe was. She heard her yelling and screaming. Addison saw how scared Grace was and sighed. "It's mommy. It's okay," she said.


"Where is my boyfriend? Where are Mark and... and Esmè! Where are they?!" Chloe screamed.

"Calm down Dr. Montgomery."

Chloe shook her head. She looked up and saw her mom in the doorway. "M-Mom?" She asked. Not believing that it was her mom. She soon saw her little girl. "Grace."

Addison walked over and put Grace into Chloe's arms. She smiled as she saw how Chloe held onto Grace like she was her lifeline. Tears poured down Chloe's cheeks.

Addison sat down with Chloe. She took her hand. "I thought I lost you," she said.

Chloe looked to her mom. "Mark might die. And.. I haven't seen Esmè," she sobbed.

"Shush baby. Mark is going to be okay. He's Mark Sloan. And he's not going to die," Addison told her.



Esmè looked up to see Jackson. She felt relief as she physically felt him holding her. Jackson kissed her head. "I thought I'd never see you again," Esmè mumbled.

"I'm here baby. I'm here. I promise," Jackson said as he kissed her lips to prove to her he was real. And that she wasn't imagining him.

The couple looked up as a doctor walked in. She smiled. "Hi Esmè. I've got your results here. Your head CT came back clear. Your shoulder will take about six weeks to heal. So take it easy," she told her.

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