Chapter 52 - Whispers of War

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Caera Crestless POV

As I walked leisurely around the academy, relishing the rare moment of respite from the cacophony of political strife, raucous parties, the incessant demands of my family, and the relentless pursuit of potential suitors, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for the serenity that enveloped me.

The academy grounds, with their sprawling expanse of manicured gardens and meticulously tended flowerbeds, served as a sanctuary—a haven of tranquility amidst the tempestuous storm that defined my existence. Born into the bosom of a prominent noble lineage, my life had always been entangled in the web of politics and societal expectations. From an early age, I had been groomed to bear the weight of my family's reputation, to present myself as the epitome of refinement and desirability, a suitable match for a powerful suitor.

But within the nurturing embrace of the academy, I found solace—a refuge where I could cast off the suffocating shackles of society. The gardens, with their riotous display of vibrant blooms and meandering pathways, offered a respite from the stifling confines of my privileged yet confining existence. As a gentle breeze caressed my cheeks, it carried with it a whisper of liberation, a taste of freedom that eluded me in the clamor of everyday life.

I really have to thank my teacher for that, if she hadn't suggested me to do this mission, I wouldn't have found this haven of peace. My mentor had always been a guiding light in my life. She saw the potential in me beyond the societal expectations and encouraged me to explore my own passions and interests.

My musings were abruptly interrupted by a disturbance in the flow of mana. Instinctively, I quickened my pace, driven by a curiosity to uncover the source of this disruption. As I neared a secluded corner of the academy grounds, I saw a group of students, specifically, noble human students, bullying two elven girls. Even when one of the boys conjured fire to scare them.

The noble students were sneering and taunting the elven girls, their demeanors brimming with arrogance and entitlement. The elven girls, in contrast, stood with their heads held high, their faces a mask of stoicism as they endured the cruel words and gestures. My heart clenched at the sight, a wave of indignation washing over me as I witnessed the injustice unfolding before me.

'This again?' I sighed and put my palms on my forehead, frustration bubbling within me. It was a scene I had witnessed far too often, the blatant discrimination and harassment towards those who were different from the majority.

Despite my initial inclination to see what the two elven girls would do, a sense of responsibility compelled me to intervene before this simple problem escalated. With determination, I took a step forward, my footsteps echoing through the corridor. The sound caught the attention of both the two elven girls, causing them to turn their heads simultaneously. Their gazes locked with mine, and in that moment, I could see a mixture of surprise, relief, and curiosity reflected in their eyes.

"Enough!" I exclaimed, my voice resonating with authority as I addressed the bullies. "What do you think you're doing, harassing these girls? They have every right to be here, just as much as you do."

The students turned to me, visibly taken aback by my sudden appearance. Their expressions ranged from confusion to annoyance, but I could also sense an underlying arrogance, the entitlement that they believed justified their mistreatment of others.

One of the boys, a smug expression plastered across his face, scoffed and retorted, "And who are you to tell us what to do?"

I raised an eyebrow, my patience wearing thin. Despite these brats knowing that I was a member of the student council, they dared to challenge me and make a mockery of the authority I held.

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