Chapter 37 - The Dire Tombs

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Arthur Leywin POV

Reginald's eyes widened in disbelief as they swept across the stunning scenery that lay before them. The party had inadvertently stumbled into an ethereal misty field within the treacherous depths of the dungeon, and the sight that greeted them was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Reginald's breath hitched as he took in the scene, his mind struggling to comprehend the existence of such beauty within the gloomy depths of the dungeon. "Let me guess," he murmured, his voice barely audible. "This field wasn't here before either."

Brald, his eyes fixed on the vast field before them, exhaled sharply. His voice trembled as he replied, "No... nothing of the sort."

We cautiously stepped into the misty field, each of us filled with wonder and trepidation. The surroundings held us in a state of awe, as if nature itself had conspired to create a realm of otherworldly enchantment. Sunlight pierced through the mist, casting ethereal rays that danced upon the landscape, bathing it in a soft, golden glow. The air was thick with the scent of wildflowers, their fragrance mingling with the earthy scent of the dungeon's damp stone.

"Something feels off. Stay on guard, everyone," my voice resonated through the mist, a flicker of unease creeping into my tone. My heightened senses, honed through countless battles against fearsome creatures, alerted me to the presence of something lurking within the shadows, watching our every move.

"Are you sure? I don't even hear anything, let alone see much besides the grass and trees," Kriol voiced his doubts, his tone filled with skepticism. Yet, despite his reservations, he followed my advice, raising his shield in preparation for whatever may lurk within the ethereal mist.

As we surveyed the surroundings, a sense of foreboding settled deep within my core. My years of experience battling dangerous monsters led me to believe that there was a formidable enemy, likely of a high-ranking S-class, hidden among the misty depths.

Seeking confirmation, my gaze met Jasmine's, and in her eyes, I found the mirrored realization of imminent danger. A silent understanding passed between us, an unspoken agreement that we faced a formidable adversary.

Abruptly, a heavy thud shattered the silence, jolting us out of our reverie. With reflexes honed by countless battles, we swiftly turned our gaze toward the source of the sound, our muscles tensing, readying ourselves for the inevitable confrontation.

"Clara? Is that really you? How... how are you alive?" Kriol's voice rang out, filled with disbelief and incredulity. All eyes turned towards Kriol, who had dropped his colossal shield, his trembling arms reaching out towards something unseen in the distance. For a moment, the tension hanging in the air dissipated, replaced by a mixture of confusion and relief.

In that instant, realization struck me like a thunderbolt. Traps... This mist... It all seemed uncannily similar to the one in the Elf Kingdom...

"I knew you couldn't be dead, Clara! Stay there! I'm coming to get you!" Kriol erupted into a frenzied sprint, abandoning his shield in his desperate pursuit. Yet, before he could go any further, Jasmine swiftly seized his arm and spun him around with a resounding slap, jolting him back to reality.

"Note, the mist," Jasmine said, without looking at me. I took a step forward and raised my hands. A globe of wind formed between my hands, releasing a torrent of wind all across them. The wind spell was strong enough to knock off the wind across the entire cavern and reveal the one who was hidden all this time.

As the gusts of wind dispersed the mist, Samantha's face drained of color, her expression a mix of fear and resignation. Slumping in defeat, she whispered, "No... it can't be..."

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