Side chapter - The Enchanted Jungle

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Arthur Leywin POV

As another day dawned, casting its golden hues across the sky, we found ourselves standing before a foreboding dungeon, its ancient stone walls towering above us. A chill wind whispered through the air, causing goosebumps to rise on our skin as we huddled together for warmth. Leaning against the cold outer wall of the dungeon, I stood alongside my brother and Jasmine, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Twin Horns.

To fulfill Ri's promise, we had agreed to clear this perilous dungeon with the Twin Horns. With each passing moment, our excitement mingled with frustration as the minutes stretched on without any sign of our fellow adventurers. "They're too late," I muttered, my voice tinged with disappointment. Ri let out a frustrated sigh, his head sinking wearily against the unforgiving stone. Jasmine, simply shrugged her shoulders, unwilling to dwell on the delay.

Just as our patience started to wane, a voice we were all too familiar with broke through the silence, "Haha, We are sorry about that," Turning towards the sound, our eyes met with Helen, her figure standing tall amidst the rest of the party members. Relief washed over us as we realized that the Twin Horns had finally arrived.

"Well, I'm sure Adam is to blame," Ri teased, a sarcastic grin playing on his lips, his gaze fixed mischievously upon their fellow party member. Adam appeared worn out and battered, his disheveled appearance telling tales of an eventful morning.

Amidst the chuckles of the Twin Horns, Angela chimed in, her voice laced with amusement. "Oh, you have no idea. He was like a rock, completely unresponsive. So Durden had to resort to a good fashioned wake-up call - a firm hit."

Ri couldn't help but join in, his eyes dancing with mirth. "Ah, reminds me of someone," he said, shooting a playful glance in my direction.

Rolling my eyes in response, I scoffed, "Yeah, yeah, we all know I can be a heavy sleeper sometimes."

Jasmine couldn't resist joining the banter, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Well, at least you're not the only one with a talent for sleeping through alarms," she remarked, causing laughter to erupt between us and dissipate the lingering tension in the air. With the Twin Horns finally here, the weight of our upcoming adventure felt a little lighter.

Curiosity sparked within Helen's eyes as she turned toward us, her gaze filled with genuine interest. "So," she began, her voice carrying a note of excitement, "how have you all progressed? What stage are you at now?"

A proud smile tugged at Jasmine's lips as she eagerly shared her achievements. "I've reached the light yellow stage and even unlocked the sound deviant,"

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, I chimed in, wanting to show my progress as well. "I'm now at the dark orange stage, with cracks appearing,"

With a confident yet humble expression, Ri added, "Light yellow stage."

His unexpected response caught Adam off guard. "Light yellow?! Damn, you're still a monster, huh?" he exclaimed, visibly surprised.

Ri chuckled, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders. "Just trying to keep up with the best," he replied with a mischievous grin.

Impressed by our progress, Helen nodded approvingly, a spark of pride glimmering in her eyes. "Well, it seems like we're all finally geared up and ready for the challenges that lie within this dungeon," she declared, her voice filled with determination. Her gaze swept across the resolute faces of our party, "Let's embark on this journey and discover what awaits us."

With Helen leading the way, we ventured into the depths of the dungeon, the darkness engulfing us as we delved further into the unknown. The Twin Horns moved with an effortless grace, their years of experience evident in each step they took. It was truly inspiring to witness their prowess in action.

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