Chapter 17 - The spar {Rewritten}

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Rimuru POV 

Xyrus Academy is an institution hailed as the most exalted sanctuary for any of the would-be-mages privileged enough to have both the background and talent to enter. There were several other academies scattered throughout the Kingdom of Sapin, but needless to say, the level between those second-rate schools and Xyrus was insurmountable.

That was the kind of titan Xyrus Academy was. Those who qualified to graduate from this academy were guaranteed a prosperous future and life. It was rumored that the top graduates could even become honored guards, instructors, or military leaders for the Royal Family, for the King of the entire race of humans on this continent. Of course, some choose to go the more humble route and focused on research by joining one of the mage guilds. However, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that students of Xyrus Academy were hailed as the true elites, even among nobles.

Now, here I was, standing in front of the said academy's Director.

She was a very tall lady, standing around 1.7 meters, well above the average for the females here. She held herself in a very upright, poise manner. She wore a simple, yet elegant robe of navy blue, laced with gold threading. She sported a conjurer's hat, an accessory that looked like an oversized traffic cone that amplified the absorption rate of the surrounding mana but oftentimes came with other functions. Strapped to the side of her robe was a wand that was a crystalline white color with a fluorescent gem attached. Even my ignorant eyes could tell that this wand was extremely valuable. Surprisingly, her face had very soft features that reminded me more of a friendly grandmother next door than an all-important figure of power, but the aura she had around her made her seem fairy-like; her wrinkles were unable to mask the attractive face that she had. The crow's feet etched on the outer ends of her brown eyes amplified the attractiveness of her smile when she introduced herself. giving her a look of wisdom and experience.

It was at that moment that I noticed something extraordinary. A peculiar and unique mana signature emanated from the Director, distinct from any I had encountered before. Ciel and Sylvia, had already confirmed my suspicions. The Director was an Alacryan.

"Nice to finally meet you, Rimuru," she said, her voice carrying a warm and welcoming tone. As we all rose from our seats and approached her and Vincent, she continued, "I've heard so much about you from Virion. He's been incessantly bragging about having a talented disciple for quite some time."

"Nice to meet you too, Director," I replied. My words seemed to elicit a mix of shock and curiosity from the others, while my mother's eyes widened in horror at what she perceived as my disrespect. Nevertheless, I pressed on. "I've been eagerly anticipating this meeting ever since Gramps, elder Virion, told me about you."

The director furrowed her brows, looking at me with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. Sensing her confusion, my mother couldn't help but intervene. She turned to the Director, a concerned expression on her face. "Is there something wrong with my son, Director Goodsky?"

The director's gaze lingered on me, her eyes searching for answers. "I can't sense a shred of mana from him," she remarked, her voice tinged with suspicion and confusion. Her gaze intensified, scrutinizing me. My mother looked at me, silently urging me to cancel the technique, and with a nod, I deactivated Mirage Walk, allowing everyone to perceive my mana signature and check my core.

"Light orange?!" Director Goodsky exclaimed, her voice tinged with incredulity. She locked eyes with me, her curiosity piqued. "Rimuru, how old are you?"

"I'm four years old, Director," I responded matter-of-factly.

"Four?!" She sighed, a mix of exasperation and amusement escaping her lips. She paused, lost in thought for a moment, her eyes fixed upon me. "Now I understand why Virion was so proud of you." A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Rimuru, I'm thoroughly convinced of your potential. I want you to join my academy. However, I must admit, I'm incredibly curious about your abilities. How about a friendly sparring match with this old woman, my dear?"

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