Side Chapter - The Blazing Depths Dungeon

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Rimuru POV

I carefully examined my reflection in the mirror, double-checking every strand of my jet-black hair. The dye had been meticulously applied, and I wanted to ensure that my disguise was flawless for our upcoming mission. Satisfied with the result, I stored my bags in my dimensional ring.

Just as I finished the task, a knock resonated through the room, causing me to grip the hilt of my katana instinctively. I walked towards the door, my senses heightened, and swung it open to be greeted by Jasmine, her expression determined as she handed me her bag.

"Are you ready?" she asked, her voice anticipation-filled.

I faced her with a smug smirk, "Always," I replied, accepting her bag and securing it within my dimensional ring.

As Jasmine and I started to make our way out of the room, I noticed Art leaning casually against the wall, his arms crossed confidently over his chest. "Finally, you made it," he commented with a playful shake of his head.

Arching an eyebrow, I retorted, "It's not that I was late, you just happened to be earlier."

A chuckle slipped from Art's lips, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Alright, fair enough," he said, pushing himself away from the wall to join us.

Once our gear and supplies were efficiently packed onto the sturdy backs of our horses, we embarked on our daunting journey toward the dungeon. The path was rugged, requiring nearly two painstaking hours of travel to reach the entrance. However, we took our time, ensuring ample rest and rejuvenation before embarking on our perilous raid.

Upon arrival, I couldn't help but feel a surge of surprise as I spotted familiar faces, A grin tugged at the corners of my lips as I greeted them, genuine warmth infused in my voice. "Yo, I didn't know we were joining forces to raid the dungeon together."

Emma, with her mischievous eyes gleaming with curiosity, replied, "Sylvia suggested we team up. We wanted to witness your skills in action; there are plenty of rumors flying around about you both," she explained, gesturing towards me and Art.

Sylvia, with her piercing gaze, focused her attention on us, her expression filled with doubt. "The two masked adventurers who don't use mana," she stated, her voice laced with skepticism. "Care to explain?"

"Aha, hahaha," Art and I scratched our heads in mild embarrassment, unsure what to say under Sylvia's critical gaze.

" 'We will focus solely on swordsmanship without the use of mana.' This is what they said," Jasmine chimed in, her voice brimming with delight. She seemed to be thoroughly enjoying our discomfort.

Art and I looked at each other, the weight of the situation sinking in, before simultaneously exclaiming in disbelief, "Wait! Jasmine?!"

Confirming our disbelief, Sylvia found herself compelled to intervene, her anger apparent in the firm grip on our ears. The pain elicited a sharp yelp from both of us, and we quickly apologized, her concern evident in the worry etched onto her face.

"Why are you doing such a stupid thing?" she exclaimed in frustration, her voice tinged with genuine concern.

Taking a deep breath, I attempted to calm Sylvia's worry. "Relax, we'll use mana if it becomes necessary," I reassured her, my tone earnest.

Sylvia's skeptical gaze held steady, her eyes searching for any signs of deception. "Really?" she pressed, her doubt unyielding.

Without hesitation, Art and I replied in unison, our voices harmonizing in sincerity. "Really, really!" we exclaimed, desperate to appease her. "So can you please let go of our ears now? It's starting to hurt," I added with a wince.

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