chapter 2 - older brother duties {Rewritten}

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Rimuru POV

It had been two years since I was born into this new world, and while nothing particularly exciting had happened during that time, I had been able to observe my younger brother, Art, growing and developing. Recently, he had begun crawling and it seemed that one of his first priorities was to head straight to the library.

However, even more surprising was what I saw him do once he arrived there. I watched as he began to meditate, and it quickly became apparent that he was manipulating the mana within his body. It was almost as if he already knew how to speed up the awakening process, which led me to wonder if he had some innate genius or if there was energy in his world similar to mana

Aside from watching my brother's progress, there hadn't been much else going on in my life. However, I had spent a lot of time learning about this new world and comparing it to my old one. While the living environment and some aspects were similar to what I was used to, it was clear that the people here were much further behind in terms of technological progress. It seemed unlikely that this world would advance in that area without the help of people from other worlds.

Despite the lack of excitement in my day-to-day life, I enjoyed spending time with my family. My mother was always talking to us, likely as a way to encourage us to start talking ourselves. I could already speak, but I waited until Art learned how to, not wanting to appear too unusual. Which is why I deliberately delayed awaken so that I could wake up at the same time as Arthur.

Our father would also sit and talk to us, telling stories of his adventurous days and the people he had met along the way. His tales ranged from his adventures with his old party to the Beast Glades, and even how he had met our mother in a town called Valden.

He told us how Mother had fallen for him at first sight in the Adventurers Guild, though her version of events was quite different to his. Apparently, she had slapped him on the back of his head and accused him of lying.

Being with my family always made me feel calm and happy, especially now that I was living as a child and didn't have any responsibilities like taking care of my people or dealing with annoying kings. It was a feeling that I hadn't experienced as a human, and I cherished it.

However, something about my younger brother's behavior had been worrying me. There were times when he seemed sad or lonely, and I couldn't help but wonder if his previous life had been difficult for him. So, once our parents had gone to sleep, I decided to talk to him.

"Hey, Art, are you awake?" I asked quietly, as we lay in our shared bed.

Arthur POV

I lay in my bed, staring up at the pitch-black ceiling of our shared room. My mind was cluttered with thoughts of my past life and the present situation that I found myself in. However, Rimuru's voice interrupted my reverie, bringing my focus back to the present moment.

"Arthur, are you awake?" his voice was gentle, almost a whisper, but it was enough to draw me out of my thoughts.

In fact, Rimuru always struck me as different. He was unlike any other child I had ever met, with his incredible learning speed and his penchant for meditation. Even now, in the middle of the night, I could see him sitting cross-legged on his bed, his eyes closed as he focused on his breathing. I often saw him meditating more than once, but at first, I did not know why he meditated. It was only after reading the books in the library that I discovered that he was trying to speed up the process of awakening the "mana core." Although I was reincarnated as well, I found it strange that he knew about it, and I didn't see him read any book on it before.

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