Chapter 2: Remember Timmy?

Start from the beginning

"What's in the bag?" Officer Tim questioned Nick. He still has his hands on the roof of the car, legs spread.

"Walk away."

"Will you open the bag?"

"Walk away Timmy" Nick repeated.

Tim went on to unzip the bag, revealing hand guns, silencers, riffles and shot guns. "What are you doing with all these weapons?"

Tim is starting to feel nervous.

"Piss of Timmy or arrest me."

Without a second to waste, Tim Rowland cuffed the young man and led away into his patrol car. As Nickolas took a seat at the back, he cursed himself for not calling Gio when he found the guns in the trunk of his car. Don Giovanni would have known what to do.

He sat quietly in the back seat, waiting for an outcome he didn't count on this evening.

Brian's POV
"Tim Rowland?"

"Who are you?" The man mowing the overgrown loan stopped to notice me.

"My name is Brian Lance. I'm a federal officer." I showed him my badge. "I understand you used to be an officer yourself."

"What is this about?"

I reached into my jacket and showed him a photograph. "Him." I watched Tim grimace with irritation in his eyes. "You have had a run in with him."

"Stay away from that one. He destroys anything that threatens him."

"Is that what happened to you?" I looked around. It's not a good neighborhood. He paused his work only to switch off the loanower.

"Come inside." I followed him into his simple house. Nothing much is happening. If anything it spells destitution. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"No. I'm good." I declined.

He got himself a beer. "What about him?"

"Six years ago, you had a run in with him."

"Oh yes I did. But that wasn't the first run-in we had. I first met that bastard eleven years ago. He was speeding. He was high. He had gins in his trunk."

"Did you arrest him?"

"Yes I did. But the next morning, it was as though it never happened."

"What do you think went down?"

"Rich kids, powerful parents. In his case, grand mother."

"Helena Bale." I noted. "What did you get out if it?"

"A promotion and I was told to forget the incident. I did forget until six years later when his name came up again. This time for aggravated assault, breaking and entering, kidnapping."

I remember the whole scandal. I remember it being a big case. A billionaire commiting murder is not an everyday headline.

"Who did he kidnap?"

I have an angle. I just need some past details to use as a stepping stone.

"Keira Ballard." He answered. I showed him the photograph of the pretty woman. "Yes, her."

"Who did he assault?"

"Her husband. Jason Burke. The man who was murdered."

"How did he get off?"

"Like I said. Rich kid, powerful grandmother."

I can't help but feel it had something more to do with what we are investigating him for. Mob involvement.

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #6: Regina Mia & The Godfather Part 1Where stories live. Discover now