Chapter 12 (Part 4)

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     As Josephine spoke of her history, her memories pulled her and her son back to her painful past. It was in the bitter year of the early 1820s—the time when the world was slightly different from the present. However, before she entered the stage of her life when she was crushed by misery, she was a young lady filled with bliss and mirth. Everything was still in hand—as if the unexpected was never meant to be born.

     In the early years of the 1820s, Josephine was a vigorous, young lady with captivating beauty. Though she was poor and only a caretaker at a prestigious university—Asbranne National Campus—delight overflowed in her veins. Glee further surged into her core as she met a charming man who seemed to step out of a fairytale, Professor Lenszcen. As the two laid eyes on one another, a spark of love ignited in their hearts.

     The two, though different in their wealth status, defied societal norms, forging a bond that surpassed the heavens. Upon the conclusion of every class, Josephine, dressed in her caretaker uniform, visited Professor Lenszcen in his office. And there, they conversed and chuckled, their laughter reverberating across the school halls. Slowly, as days flew by, their physical connection strengthened, hardening like cement.

     Josephine's eyes widened with surprise as she felt warm, gentle hands looping around her palms. It was Professor Lenszcen, pulling her closer to him with a smirk. Josephine and Professor Lenszcen's faces turned crimson and deepened in colour as their hearts kicked through their chests. As they found comfort in one another's presence, they leaned in, and their soft lips met.

     Days and nights passed, and soon, Josephine, standing weakly before a body mirror inside her bedroom, noticed her stomach bulging and growing. She stepped to the side and observed as her stomach grew larger each month, a bump forming on her body. Worried at first, she found joy and delight upon learning she was pregnant with Professor Lenszcen's child. A grin tugged at her lips, and it flashed brightly, rivalling the luminance of the sun.

     Beaming joyfully, Josephine hurried to Professor Lenszcen, her hands wrapped around the bulge in her stomach. As she passed by the windows in the hallway, the afternoon sunlight cascaded towards her hasty figure. Reaching the professor's office, Josephine stood before the closed doorway and took a deep breath, steadying herself. Soaked with happiness, she knocked and entered the office, with a smile gracing her face.

     Seeing his beloved, Professor Lenszcen jumped out of his chair and hastened towards Josephine. Their arms interlocked as they shared warm cuddles, with joy surging forth within their hearts. Gradually, Josephine, wearing a loose, white apron, stepped back and removed the garment, revealing the bump on her stomach to Professor Lenszcen.

     As Professor Lenszcen's eyes landed on the bulge in Josephine's stomach, confusion clouded his face. But, as Josephine happily explained to the professor that she was pregnant with their child, the sense of confusion gave way to understanding. Eyebrows furrowing, Professor Lenszcen turned from Josephine and softly dismissed her from her office. However, Josephine refused to leave him, causing him to yell at her, leaving her no choice but to depart from him.

     Soon, as days leapt into months, the bump on Josephine's stomach turned into a mountain, yet she found no respite from pleading to Professor Lenszcen. The two often argued in the office, their voices clashing like raging thunder. However, despite her efforts to convince Professor Lenszcen, Josephine was met with pain and disappointment when Professor Lenszcen slapped her in the face.

     As his conscience haunted him, Professor Lenszcen stepped closer to Josephine, trying to apologise. However, Josephine had already lost hope, unable to make eye contact with him. Grunting with fury, Professor Lenszcen grabbed a bag of gold coins from a drawer and handed it to Josephine. Although he felt ashamed at first, he remained resolute in his choice and dismissed her.

     With tearful eyes, Josephine sniffled and turned away from Professor Lenszcen. Before leaving the office, she halted at the door and looked back at him. She attempted, for the last time, to appeal to Professor Lenszcen, only to earn no sympathy. Sighing, Josephine departed from Professor Lenszcen, leaving him forever.

     Soon, Josephine found herself standing quietly in her bedroom with shaky knees. As her pain crushed her, she fell to the floor and wailed. A silent river streamed from her face, and an ocean formed on her skirt. Suddenly, as if by magic, golden particles glided around Josephine, forming a sphere. As she noticed the glittering elements flying around her, she went silent and observed with curious eyes.

     Summoning her strength to stand up, Josephine peered at the golden particles that seemed to envelop her. As she peered closely, she saw figures of a blissful boy with sandy blonde hair, smiling and striving. Realization dawned upon her as she knew she was seeing visions of her son in the future. As she looked around, she saw the boy with sandy blonde hair surrounded by strangers. However, she failed to spot herself.

     As Josephine turned to the side, she spotted a dashing and handsome man with copper strands and striking amber eyes. As she stared intently at his approaching figure, the golden particles flying around her disappeared, and she realized she was now standing on a street in the present. She stumbled upon the charming young man, and their eyes locked on one another.

     The young man with copper strands and amber eyes was none other than Oliver, his face reflecting worry for her. As they stood before each other, Josephine lowered her head with humility, and Oliver raised his top hat, bowing at her. Proceeding forward, Oliver walked past her with a timid smile and marched down the sidewalk.

     Josephine stared at Oliver's figure, realizing he was the young man she saw in her visions. Focusing on the present, Josephine released a heartfelt sigh. She then stepped to the side and craned her neck, gazing at a massive bricked structure standing mightily before her—the adoption centre.

     In Josephine's arms, a baby squirmed; it was none other than Jean, her son. While Josephine tenderly cradled Jean, he stirred and cooed under his swaddle blanket. With a quivering breath, Josephine felt shivers running down her spine, bracing herself for what she was about to do. As her tears brought a glint into her eyes, Josephine walked forward and approached the lofty doorway of the adoption centre.

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