Chapter 10 (Part 2)

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     Finally, inside the professor's office, Jean's gaze wanders frantically. He walks forward, scanning the dark, unlit room. As his eyes battle against the thick cloak of darkness, he squints and inspects the office, glancing at every corner.

     Steadying himself with a deep breath, Jean turns to the side and walks forward. As he pivots on his heels, he spots a wooden pedestal draped with a white sheet lying before him. Jean knows it is the same object he saw in his vision, proving his vision to be legitimate and reliable. With a knowing smile, he cautiously marches forward and approaches it.

     With every step, Jean feels the energy throbbing within him. The sense of accomplishment courses through his veins, hastening across his body. As he steps nearer to the wooden pedestal, he feels like exploding with joy, for he has proved himself correct.

     However, as curiosity gets the best of him, Jean cannot help but approach the wooden pedestal. The urge to investigate and see underneath the white sheet proves too much for him. Inhaling slowly, Jean reaches forward and gently grasps the white sheet.

     With a swift yank, Jean pulls off the white sheet and drops it to the floor, forgotten. As Jean's gaze lands on the invention hiding beneath the white sheet, his eyes pop open. His glance immediately darts towards the white glass screen that now seems to hold a foggy portrait of himself.

     Jean wonders to himself why the invention is showing a picture of his face, his curiosity piqued. As his eagerness to explore the depths of the mystery heightens, Jean cannot help but touch the hollow glass cube concealing the invention. His desire to use the machine is getting the better of him, and he knows it.

     Attempting to open the glass cube, Jean shakes it gently. However, it refuses to open. Jean inspects the details enveloping the glass, and as he leans forward, he sees a lockset.

     Searching for a key, Jean turns from the wooden pedestal and wanders around the room. As Jean's eyes meet the sight of a cabinet, he approaches it and opens its drawers. Inside, he begins rummaging, shoving off the loads of paperwork from his face. As he digs deeper, he spots a silver item glistening against the dark.

     Jean takes the silver item, and as he pulls it out of the cabinet, it turns out to be a key. Huffing, Jean turns around and proceeds towards the wooden pedestal with a determined look etched across his face. The moment of truth is around the corner, and the feeling tickles Jean's nerves.

     Thrusting the key into the lockset, Jean unlocks the glass cube of the wooden pedestal. He then slides the glass open and carefully pulls the invention out. Carrying the invention in his arms, Jean strides towards the professor's desk and places it there, the base of the machine producing a loud stomp.

     Jean studies the invention's intricate detail and notices a blood stain smudged across one of its components. Raising a brow, Jean places a finger against the blood stain and erases it. As he does, the foggy portrait of himself drawn across the glass screen fades and disappears like a cloud of smoke.

     Remembering the instructions on how to use the invention, Jean searches around the room for a sharp object. Immediately, he spots a long, thin needle lying peacefully atop the wooden desk. Without hesitation, Jean grabs the needle and stares at its sharp tip that glistens under the moonlight streaming from the window.

     With a quick, sharp breath through his nose, Jean pricks his right finger with the needle. Like a gentle stream, his crimson blood, shimmering under the moonlight from the window, trickles out of his wound. Jean moans and grunts in pain, yet he fights with the urge to give up. Leaning towards the invention, Jean lets his blood drop on its flat surface.

     As Jean steps back and peers at the invention, awaiting the answer, the transparent glass screen begins to whirl with a cloudy gas. Slowly, the gas turns opaque, swirling until it forms a picture of a man. Jean squints, trying to study the visage of the man painted on the glass screen.

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