Chapter 5 (Part 3)

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     Dressed in a black suit, Gabriel kneels on the base of the staircase, facing the grand double door that leads into the chamber. Curiously, Jean approaches Gabriel, immediately noticing him still and unmoving like the others around him. As Jean walks forward, he cannot shake off the feeling of wonderment about why Gabriel is inside the chamber when he assumes he is supposed to be in his class.

"Gabriel...?" Jean uttered.

     Though calling his name, Gabriel remains silent. Gabriel never responds or shifts his head to face Jean's direction. Persisting, Jean steps closer to Gabriel and leans forward.

"Hey? Gabriel...?" Jean called out, his faint voice filled with uncertainty.

     Jean reaches out and places a firm hand on Gabriel's shoulder. As Jean's palm meets the soft fabric of Gabriel's clothes, he immediately feels the rigid sensation of Gabriel's motionless body. He attempts to shake him, but it results in nothing, leaving Jean without answers from Gabriel. Yet, he goes on and shakes Gabriel again but more vigorously.

     Nevertheless, Gabriel remains still and doesn't respond. Uncertainty piqued, Jean raises a brow and traces Gabriel's line of sight. And there, on the grand double door, atop the grand staircase, is a girl in a majestic dark violet dress.

     The girl's eyes gleam like polished oak under the chandeliers' golden glow, complementing her warm skin tone that reflects the colour of an almond. Her soft, silky hair, pulled into a sleek low bun and intertwined with braids, glistens like the celestial night sky. She dons a glittering dark violet dress with a voluminous skirt and a train. A set of diamond necklaces and pearl drop earrings complete her ensemble, giving her a faint sparkle.

     Jean squeezes his eyes as he studies the girl's features, his gaze unwavering. He glances at Gabriel, and his eyes dart towards the girl again. Slowly but surely, Jean's heart races with anticipation as he places another hand on Gabriel's back, trying to jolt him.

"Gabriel??" he called.

     Nonetheless, Gabriel remains unresponsive, his body refusing to yield. He kneels frozen in time like a statue sculpted by a master artist. Facing the direction of the girl in the dark violet dress, Gabriel puffs his chest out and stretches his arm, still unmoving and steady, as his grin reaches from ear to ear.

     Jean's left brow rises higher, almost reaching his hairline, as he contemplates the reality of everything surrounding him. He glances back at the girl in the dark violet dress and watches her motionless figure stand atop the grand staircase. Losing hope, Jean fixes his gaze on Gabriel as a heavy sigh passes through his lips.

     Suddenly, a prickling sensation touches Jean's back, and its cold touch almost feels like an icy dagger caressing his spine. Sharp at first, the sensation becomes soothing, almost gentle, as seconds pass. It feels like the cold nightly breeze. And it possesses a hypnotic kiss that can lull him to sleep.

     Jean slowly turns his body around, his gaze steady and still. Then, as he turns to his back, he sees a door with a glass panel leading to the balcony. And there on the balcony stands a young lady staring back at him in the eyes, her delicate visage reflecting youth and sadness. With sorrow, the girl's brows arch, forming a crease on her face, and her frown reaches a mile down to the ocean floor.

     Something about the girl pulls Jean closer to her. Quietly, Jean steps forward and approaches the girl, and as he draws closer to her, he notices something different about her. As he steps nearer, he observes the girl jolting back from him, moving unlike the others. Finally, Jean spots someone moving, a brief respite for his anxiety.

"Hello...?" Jean spoke up, approaching the girl slowly.

"Oh..." the girl responded, her feet instinctively moving away from Jean.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you," said Jean.

The girl paused and stood still, tilting her head as she gazed into Jean's brown pupils. "...Hm," she stammered.

"Can I ask you something...?" Jean asked politely, his brows furrowing.

"Hm?" the girl raised her chin slightly.

"Why... is everyone here and frozen?" Jean questioned, his voice shaking with anxiety. "I mean, look at everyone else. Everybody is motionless like statues."

"I... pardon me. Uhm. I am unsure of what you speak of," the girl replied, shaking her head slightly as she pressed her fists on her chest.

"..." Jean decided to stay silent, his eyes fixated on her face. As he stared at her, he couldn't help but notice her downturned lips and arched brows that seemed to reflect her sorrow. "...Are you alright...?" he inquired.

"Excuse me?" the girl asked.

Raising his voice, Jean asked, "Are you alright?"

"I... I am," she replied.

"I highly doubt it," Jean retorted, stepping nearer the girl. "Tell me, Miss. How're you feeling, and why are we here? Frozen in time?"

"...I don't know what you're talking about us... frozen in time... but... I do admit I harbour such feelings... such sadness..." she confessed, her eyes screwing shut.

"Why do you feel such?" Jean probed further.

The girl took a deep breath and glanced at Gabriel, her eyes darting past Jean. "Do you see that boy over there?" she asked.

Jean turned around and looked at Gabriel. He then gazed back at the girl. "That boy? Gabriel?"

"Yes. Him," the girl nodded.

"What about him?" Jean wondered, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... you see... ever since that boy and I met in our first year... I... I..."

"I'm listening."

"...I've always tried to catch his attention. But I'm always overlooked by him. I just wish that I get his attention, even once..."

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