Chapter 11 (Part 5)

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     In the meantime, Jean climbed the grand staircase, holding onto the polished wooden railings as he ascended. Just as he reached the second floor and was about to turn to the right to his bedroom, he paused and pondered momentarily. With a firm decision forming in the recesses of his mind, Jean veered to the left and entered a lavish, gilded hallway.

     Walking forward, Jean silenced his steps, keeping his foot as light and steady as possible. As he progressed deeper into the corridor, he lowered his eyes and furrowed his brows. His overwhelming thoughts urged him to continue, but some part of him attempted to pull him back.

     Soon, Jean reached his destination, his footsteps faltering. As he halted, standing before a door, he wondered if he was making a moral choice. However, he couldn't help but obey his will and desires.

     Releasing a deep breath, Jean leaned forward and wrapped his hands around the doorknob. With a gentle twist, he pushed the doorway open. Widening the gap in the door, Jean stood on the threshold, contemplating whether he should venture inside or not.

     Jean's gaze wanders, taking in the sight before him. Resting before him is a spacious bedroom in the shade of a forest leaf. Windows greet him, allowing the sunlight to enter and beam towards his eyes. Hanging on the side of the room is a portrait of his adoptive father, Oliver, when he was still in his prime, his dashing face and lean figure radiating confidence and seduction. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the room, a line of cabinets rest and await its owner.

     Jean's eyes land on the broad canopy bed before him, its sheets providing warmth and comfort. As he stares at the mattress, he recalls the spirited times he dearly spent with his adoptive father. Despite knowing what he is about to do is flawed, he enters the bedroom and proceeds inside.

     Turning to the left side of the bedroom, Jean approaches the line of cabinets. As he stands at one of the cabinets, peering at his handsome reflection in its mirror, he opens its massive drawers. He then pokes his head inside, scanning through the hanging clothes obstructing his view. Peeking inside, he begins rummaging, pushing the hanging coats off his face.

     Grasping the coats, Jean takes them and throws them onto the bed, trying to clear up the space. Burrowing his head deeper into the cabinet, he rummages, trying to search for something. As he struggles to find what he seeks in the first cabinet, he proceeds to the second and does the same process. Jean peeks through the drawers, searching under the folded clothes.

     Jean rummages, searching for something that takes his golden time away. As he seeks deeper into the cabinet, he squints and presses the clothes blocking his path. Failing to find what he is searching for, Jean drops to his knees on the floor and sighs, closing his eyes as he seeks respite from the task.

     As Jean lies on the floor, his eyes catch sight of something hiding beneath his adoptive father's bed. Curiosity piqued, Jean crawls towards the bed and digs his hands underneath. He then pulls the object out, and the sunlight passing through the windows reveals it to be a chest. Opening the chest, Jean encounters a pile of paper.

     Sensing the impending success of his task, Jean rummages. Carefully inspecting the well-written texts on each sheet, Jean reads the manuscripts. He continues digging deeper, perusing each word until he spots something that causes his breath to catch in his throat.

     On Jean's hands, a broad sheet of paper rests. As Jean reads the words, his brows press together. His eyes dart from left to right, and he realizes the paper he is holding is his adoption paper. He then lowers his eyes to the additional information section and reads his mother's full name.

"...Josephine Shalores," Jean read silently.

     Suddenly, the hinges of the bedroom door behind Jean creak. Gasping quietly, Jean turns around and gazes at the doorway, his eyes snapping open. As he looks behind him, he sees Oliver's piercing amber eyes fixed squarely on him.

"D-dad," Jean stuttered as he stood up from the floor, hiding his adoption paper on his back.

Oliver steadily approached Jean and grabbed the adoption paper. He then read the words on the sheet, and his eyes flew towards his son. "Jean," Oliver mumbled, returning the adoption paper to the wooden chest.

"Dad... I'm sorry... I was just looking for my adoption papers because I... I was... I just want to know more about my mother so I can find her," Jean apologised, his words stumbling out in a rush.

"I'll find her," Oliver insisted confidently, his voice deep and bold.

     Stepping closer, Oliver places his hands around Jean's face and cradles him. He then leans in and kisses Jean, and his soft, velvety lips touch and brush against his son's smooth, fair cheeks. With a subtle nod of affirmation, Oliver pulls back from the kiss and flashes a warm smile at his son.

     With unshed tears glistening in his eyes, Jean leaps forward and wraps his lean arms around his father's broader figure. The scent of intoxicating wine and roses wafts into Jean's nose as he shoves his face against Oliver's sturdy shoulder. As his body quivers with emotions, Jean tightens his embrace and squeezes his eyes shut.

     In response, Oliver envelops his large, protective arms around his son's shaky form. Giving Jean a light, gentle pat on the back, Oliver strokes and traces the line of his spine and shoulder blades. Seizing the moment to give his eyes a respite from the world, Oliver sniffs and presses his warm chest against Jean's, their swift heartbeats meeting.

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