Chapter 7 (Part 1)

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     The blazing candles on the wooden chandelier suspended on the dorm's ceiling vanish, blown out by magic. The darkness within the dorm allows the moonlight to take centre stage as it passes through the large, arched windows. Once noisy, every corner within the campus plunges into deep silence, almost suffocating.

     Jean pats his white shirt with brown lacing on the collar and knee-length shorts before a window, tidying himself. As he stands before the window, gazing at the dark outdoors, the moonlight gives his pyjamas a faint glow. He then slips off his black shoes and hops onto his bed, preparing to sleep. Letting a deep, heavy breath exit his lungs, he lies on his back and rests his head on the soft, plush pillows.

     As Jean lies silently on the bed, focusing on his thoughts, his eyes lock on the ceiling. He stares at the ceiling that soars above the sky as his hands slide towards his chest. As seconds pass by, his eyes grow heavier, and slowly, his eyelids close.

     Although Jean's eyelids find respite from seeing the world, his mind never rests as it seeks answers. He wonders to himself why he receives visions. He questions himself if he might receive yet another vision in his dreams. As he closes his eyes, he becomes torn apart by the overwhelming feeling of wanting to acquire more visions and not receiving them, pondering if they are good or bad.

     Jean forces himself to sleep, screwing his eyes shut, not wanting to be bothered by his restless mind. However, he struggles and eventually fails to sleep, causing a tight pout to play on his lips. He keeps his eyes shut, hoping his head finds rest from the endless ponders soon.

     As the minutes tick, the heavy feeling of the burdens loading in Jean's mind gradually dissipates. The period of introspection dies out, replaced by a calming peace. The surroundings turn faint and serene, allowing Jean to hear his tranquil heartbeat. Slowly, he succumbs to sleep, and the world around him darkens.

     Though dark at first, the darkness Jean sees before his eyes transforms. Light shoves away the darkness and reveals the details surrounding Jean. As the light wins over the darkness, Jean opens his eyes and finds his body standing upright, a far contrast from lying on the bed.

     As Jean opens his eyes, thoughts instantly tickle his mind. He quickly wonders if it is solely a dream or another vision. His mouth hanging open, he gazes around as his body spins.

     Jean sees himself standing inside a building in the centre of the room. The room stretches wide, spanning out like a field. While pivoting on his heels, he feels the cold marble floor licking his feet. Jean continues and inspects every corner, catching sight of the grand walls and the pearl chandelier hanging above him.

     Looking forward, Jean spots something that causes his eyelids to soar. He sees a long desk with five women in black uniforms with white aprons. Before them, a lady with sandy blonde hair, reminiscent of Jean's soft strands, stands.

     As the lady with sandy blonde hair stands before the five women, facing the other direction, Jean fails to catch a glimpse of her face. Curious to see her face, Jean tries to move forward. However, he finds his body frozen and immobilized. He battles with his bones and nerves, but his joints cannot function like they do in his waking life.

     Finally, the lady turns around and faces Jean. However, her face remains unreachable to Jean's eyes, her features blurred like a drawing smudged by an eraser. The lady strides forward and walks past Jean, and Jean's head turns to look at her as she dismisses herself, passing through a portal-like door. As she crosses the threshold of the tall doorway, her figure disappears against the bright whiteness of the other side, leaving Jean alone with the five women dressed in black uniforms with white aprons.

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