Chapter 9 (Part 5)

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     As Jean proceeds down the hall, his erratic heartbeat gradually calms. Though uncertain of what could happen tonight, Jean's determination pushes him forward, hoping that he proves himself correct and uses the professor's invention. Lowering his head, Jean quickens his pace and tucks his hands inside his white shorts' pocket.

     Jean executes a swift turn to his left and marches down a darker corridor where the moonlight fails to permeate through. At this point, the sense of fear begins to creep up on Jean's spine like an icy dagger, causing him to hesitate and his steps to slow. Yet his resolve overpowers his overwhelming feeling of anxiety and fuels his pace as he continues along the path, a mouthful of air passing through his lips.

     With his steps faltering, Jean forces himself to go on and continue down the dim corridor. Walking alone feels as if unseen entities surround him, and the feeling slowly begins to penetrate his entire being. Yet all Jean sees is darkness and a soulless space. Breathing through his nose to compose himself, Jean hurries his pace, eager to finish his inconvenient quest.

     Suddenly, Jean senses a cold gust of wind seeping through the fabric of his clothes, pricking his back. With wide eyes, Jean quickens his walk, his heart racing with fear and dread. Jean feels as if something is chasing him, pursuing his footsteps like a stealthy beast. Holding his breath, Jean hastens forward, forcing himself not to look back.

     With a sudden crash, a knocking noise reverberates behind Jean, echoing across the corridor like a wailing woman. Left with no choice, Jean swivels on his heels and looks behind him. But as he turns around, he spots nothing but an empty void, a wall shrouded in darkness. Resuming his pace, Jean pivots and stumbles upon somebody who has his breath escaping him loudly.

     Standing before Jean is a woman with grey hair and a wrinkly face, her visage reflecting an uncompromising look. Donning a black uniform with a white apron, it becomes evident she is one of the caretakers of the campus. With furrowed brows and tightened lips, she inclines the lantern on her left hand closer to Jean's face, blinding him momentarily.

"A student. Wandering in the halls late at night," the caretaker murmured. Stepping closer and leaning the lantern nearer, she inquired, "What are you doing here?"

"Uhm," Jean responded, raising a hand against the lantern's brightness. "I was... uhh... I was just taking in some midnight stroll."

"Peculiar routine. I must return you to the dormitory. Right away," she pressed, grasping his arm forcefully.

As they began to strut down the corridor, Jean yanked himself out of her grasp and pulled back. "Hm..."

The caretaker reached forward, poised to grab Jean by his arm again. "Hold on," she urged.

"Wait, please, don't touch me there. I have a bruise there, and it hurts. I can walk by myself," Jean said, concocting an instant lie.

"Bruise? Ah, well then. Let's bring you to the clinic first. Then, I will escort you back to the dorm," the caretaker insisted, her voice faint and raspy.

Jean knew this unexpected event was bringing a delay in his mission, and to escape the inconvenience, he pointed behind the caretaker and yelled, "Oh, look! A flying rock!"

     Gasping, the caretaker turned around and looked at the ceiling, almost dropping the lantern from her hand. She raised the lantern, inspecting the dark ceiling. However, she saw nothing but the blank paint, giving her temporary relief as she blew air through her mouth. Furrowing her brows, she turned around to admonish the wandering student, Jean, but only to find him gone from her sight. Swiftly swivelling her head, she scanned the corridor but found no other soul around.

     Meanwhile, Jean hurried down the hall and dashed to his left. There, he leaned against the wall and hid momentarily as he gasped for breath, his chest heaving. Steadying himself with a deep breath, he continued down the hallway. Soon, he reached his destination—Professor Lenszcen's office.

     Jean stood before the office door, his hand circling the doorknob. However, as he twisted the doorknob, it refused to yield and rotate. Jean realized the door was locked—and he needed to find another way to get inside.

     Immediately coming up with an idea, Jean strides towards a vent shaft. With a gentle descent, he kneels on one knee and inspects the locks and crevices of the vent. Digging his hand in his pocket, Jean grabs a screwdriver and peers at its pointy figure.

"I knew this would come in handy," he whispered to himself.

     Upon unscrewing the locks, Jean slips his body through the vent and closes it. With a deep breath, he begins crawling down the shaft like a lost serpent, dragging his slim form along. The space feels oppressive, but Jean knows he must fight against the unwavering struggle, his arduous crawl taking him further down his path.

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