Chapter 7 (Part 4)

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     Jean quickly turns his head towards the door. And there, to his surprise, a young man and a lady with sandy blonde hair pass through. However, something causes Jean's brow and hair to rise.

     The young man struts away, but the lady with sandy blonde hair tries to catch up. Her determination fuels her pace. But she cannot grab the man's hasty figure. But when she finally reaches forward and touches his shoulder, he yanks off her hand, causing her to recoil.

     Shocked but curious, Jean squints, trying to study the man and the lady's faces. However, their faces are blurry in his vision. He can only see two figures with visages that appear smudged by something unseen. Jean wants to stand up and intervene, the man and lady's voices sparking interest in him. Yet, all he can do is remain seated.

"I'm so sick of you. Why can't you leave me alone!?" the man retorted to the lady with sandy blonde hair as he hastily stepped away from her, walking to the centre of the classroom.

"Why would I leave you!? It's you—only you—who has made that imprudent decision to leave me!" the lady cried out. "I will never leave you, for I have promised to be by your side! You also had that promise—to never forsake me. We both created those oaths! But look at you now! What do you think you're doing!?"

"For God's sake, woman, stop raising your goddamn voice!!" the man groaned, his voice straining.

"All you care about is your reputation, don't you!?" the lady countered, stomping her foot. "Why not care about those who cared for you!?"

The man grunted, stomping his heel, causing the floorboards to squeak. "Ugh!" He turned around and walked away from the lady.

     Jean's eyes widen as he witnesses the exchange between the man and the lady with sandy blonde hair. His eyes remain fixed on their swift figures. But then, he hears a voice cutting through the air, breaking his reverie. Closing his eyes, Jean shakes his head and gathers his thoughts.

"Jean...? Jean?"

     Breaking his concentration away from the arguing man and lady, Jean redirects his gaze towards Gabriel. As he stares at his countenance, he cannot help but see his arched brows reflecting worry. Gabriel's concern is infectious, passing to Jean like a plague, causing Jean's brows to furrow in concern as well.

"Oh. Uh. Yes?" Jean responded.

"What're you staring at?" Gabriel questioned him, his tone serious.

     Swiftly, Jean's eyes dart towards the centre of the room where the arguing man and lady stand. But, just as his eyes land in that direction, he spots no one but students occupying the space. Confusion blankets his mind as his gaze flits around, searching for the man and lady with sandy blonde hair.

"Wait... what...?" Jean raised a brow, his face wrinkling with confusion.

     Jean looked around but struggled to locate the man and lady with sandy blonde hair he had seen earlier. What he had seen was so real. And he couldn't let go of what he had experienced. He persisted, gazing around the room, hoping to find the man and lady's forms. But now, they had vanished—as if they had never entered the classroom.

     Gazing at the other students, Jean noticed how they conversed with one another, oblivious to the arguing man and lady from earlier. He then peered at Kevin and Gabriel's faces, only to find them staring back at him. Jean's brows furrowed, and he lowered his gaze as his body quivered with uncertainty.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked, his worry evident in his downturned lips.

"I- I swear I saw those two people arguing inside our classroom," Jean explained, refusing to make eye contact.

"Who?" Gabriel sought clarification as he glanced at Kevin.

"You guys didn't see them?" Jean inquired as his pupils shrank.

"See who?" Gabriel probed.

"The man and lady with blonde hair," he clarified.

"I don't know?" Gabriel shrugged.

"You were just staring blankly at the wall a few moments ago," Kevin explained to Jean. "We thought you were seeing things."

Jean lowered his gaze, furrowing his brows. "...Maybe I'm truly seeing things," he stated.

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