Chapter 10 (Part 5)

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     Soon, the sun regains its strength to rise from the horizon. Turning into a celestial shade each second, the dark navy sky gradually blends with the tinge of tangerine and pastel. Like a soothing hymn, the wind blows and sings, travelling from one place to another and reaching the university's grand facade.

     Within the dorm, Jean reclines on a long sofa. There, as he sits quietly, he glares at the floor, crossing his arms and legs. Thoughts about the past ravage his mind, causing his eyelids to feel heavy with unsaid emotions while his brain feels light like a feather. Jean attempts to concentrate on his feelings but fails to do so as he groans, frustrated by his lack of focus.

     The incessant ticking sound of a grandfather clock further adds to Jean's annoyance, as it slightly distracts him from his thoughts. Yet, he refuses to let the thought of the past go. Behind his closed lips, his teeth gnash, and his fists clench.

     Sensing the need to join their friend, Kevin and Gabriel stride towards Jean and sit beside his shoulders, flanking him in between. Kevin and Gabriel glance at Jean in the eyes, hoping they get his attention. However, Jean continues with his deep contemplation about the stinging revelation, and that thought pierces his soul.

"...What happened last night...?" Kevin inquired, leaning closer to Jean.

With his gaze fixed on the floor, Jean responded with a lie. "Nothing," he said.

"Did you find the invention?" Gabriel asked.

Jean's silence tarried before he responded. "I... I did," Jean replied, staring at the blank floor.

"How did it go? Did you use it?" Gabriel queried.

"Yes," Jean answered, his voice monotonous, like a flat plain.

"Did you see your mother?" Kevin questioned him politely, his voice soothing and calm.

"...No, I didn't, sadly..." Jean sighed, closing his eyes as his brows furrowed.

"Oh." Kevin then asked, "But you said you used the invention. If you used the professor's invention, who did you see, then?"

"...My... uh... my biological father..." Jean informed.

"Do you know who your biological father is?" Gabriel questioned.

     Jean stares at the floor, his gaze unwavering as he contemplates an answer. He can still remember his promise to the professor last night, knowing he must not disclose to anyone the harsh fact that the professor is his biological father. Jean's brows slowly knit together as he thinks of a response.

     Closing his eyes and tightening his lips, Jean sighs, his breath quivering with mixed feelings. As Jean sits on the sofa, he feels his body shuddering relentlessly. Trying to calm himself, Jean takes another deep breath and releases it through his mouth loudly.

"No..." he replied, creating a lie to conceal the truth from his friends.

"...Would you want to find your biological father as well?" Kevin inquired curiously.

Jean gazed at his friends. "It's better to focus on one parent for now so I won't go astray. I'll look for my biological father next time. For now, I must seek my mother," he stated.

Kevin crossed his arms, and his back sank into the sofa. "Dang... how about your mother now? How do we find her?" he pondered aloud.

"Yeah," Gabriel nodded.

     Jean ponders, his silence lingering. He begins thinking of a solution for how to conclude his quest to uncover his mother's whereabouts. However, he is left with nothing, causing his lips to flatten into a straight line. Nonetheless, Jean persists and thinks, even if it causes an ache in his head.

     Battling with the unbearable sore rising deep in his head, Jean searches for a guide. With his sole thoughts, Jean contemplates, his eyes lowering to the floor. Slowly, as he dives deeper into his thinking, a thought crystallizes in his mind.

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