Chapter 29

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Braiba stayed with Anja until she was sure he was fast asleep after that she left only to see the princess in the living room walking back and forth out of worry for Anja.

"Is he going to be okay?" asked the princess with genuine concern in her voice as she spoke.

"Yes, he will live, Anja is strong and doesn't go down so easily" said Braiba.

The princess smiled upon hearing what Braiba said before sighing out of relief and happiness that Anja would be all right.

"What happened and how did he end up like that, covered in blood and with so many wounds?" asked Braiba, wondering how her brother ended up in the a bloodied and beaten state he was in.

The princess then sighed, knowing she would have to tell Braiba every that happened while she and Anja were in the forest.

"I and Anja were making our way back to the house when all of a sudden a beast came out of nowhere and grabbed me and carried me away. Anja chased after the beast and managed to save me from it but the beast attacked him leaving him in the wounded and bloody state he was in when I brought him. Anja used every single ounce of strength he had to protect me and in doing so he ended up hurt" said the princess with tears falling down from her eyes, feeling guilty that Anja got hurt while trying to save her.

"Hey" said Braiba as she consoled her with a hug.

"It's not your fault, the beast that attacked you came out of nowhere and Anja's heart would never allow a pure soul to get hurt in anyway even if it was the daughter of the king of Buganbal" said Braiba.

Braiba then pulled away from the hug and then noticed how the princess's clothes were torn and stained with blood.

"Your clothes" said Braiba causing the princess to look at her clothes to see the terrible state they were in.

"Oh, I didn't even notice them" said the princess feeling a little embarrassed by the clothes.

"Don't worry about it, come with me" said Braiba before she took the princess to her room.

Once there Braiba gave the princess some of her clothes to wear.

"Thank you but I can't..." the princess sentence was cut short by Braiba saying, "of course you can, think of it as a gift from me to you and it is rude to refuse a gift".

The princess just smiled upon hearing what Braiba before accepting the clothes, taking off the torn, and blood stain ones she wore and put on the clothes Braiba gave to her.

After putting on the clothes the princess stomach began to rumble out of hunger as she hadn't eaten anything since she woke up.

"Sorry about that" said the princess feeling a bit embarrassed because of the way her stomach behaved.

Braiba burst in to laughter upon hearing the princess's apology.

"Don't be, I've seen worse hunger pains. If it was my brother in your shoes the ground would have been shaking and the sky echoing with thunder and lightning" said Braiba while she continued to laugh which caused the princess to giggle.

"Come on, I'll make something for you to eat" said Braiba.

Braiba then went to the kitchen to prepare some food.

The princess was a bit shocked to see her cook as she thought that since she was a sorceress he could just use her magic to make a feast appear out of thin air.

"Braiba couldn't you just use your magic instead of cooking" asked the princess.

"I could but I prefer to cook without magic. My mother taught me how to cook when I was younger, she didn't relay magic to cook either, she always said that magic ruins the taste and flavor of a meal" said Braiba with a slight smile on her face followed by a small tear falling down from her eye.

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