Chapter 23

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Delamu brought out his sword and blocked Afini and Alaelra's path with it.

He could not let them leave and chase after the king and his son.

"Sorry my friend but I can't let you leave" said Delamu.

Afini then brought out his axe and then fired a lightning bolt through it straight for Delamu, striking him down.

Delamu was now on the ground, wounded immensely by the lightning but he still managed to find the strength to get up.

Delamu then charged straight for them with whatever little strength he had left only to be stopped and lifted off the ground by Alaelra's magic.

Alaelra then sent him flying and crashing down her on the ground.

Delamu was down but could still muster up a little bit of strength to get to face both Afini and Alaelra once again.

As Delamu got up Alaelra used her magic to remove his sword from his grasp and send it to the ground, far from his reach, she then lifted him off the ground once again and suspended him there.

Afini then approached him holding his axe on his and with red lightning flowing out of it.

Afini reach Delamu and raised his axe, about to strike him down with it.

"Brother please you don't have to do this. Fight the control of the Dark Sorcerer" said Delamu, trying one last time reach his friend who had been taken over by dark magic.

Afini then put down his axe upon hearing what Delamu said.

It seemed like Delamu had finally reached Afini.

Afini then turned looked at Alaelra.

Alaelra then nodded her head before placing Delamu down gently with her magic.

Delamu was shock but at the same time relieved that his friend spared his life even though he corrupted by dark magic.

Delamu then hugged him.

"I knew you were still in there" said Delamu as he hugged him.

"Forgive me old friend" whispered Afini softly.

Then before Delamu could realize what was happening he felt a bolt flow out of Afini's body and in to his, instantly strike him down.

Delamu was about to fall down but Afini caught him before he could Afini caught him and placed him down gently on the floor.

Afini then sighed deeply as he looked at his friend who was lying down on the ground unconscious, feeling an overwhelming amount of guilt over what he had done to his friend.

Alaelra seeing the Afini was in went to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, to console him.

Afini then sighed once again, knowing that they had to continue their mission, obeying the Dark Sorcerer command and find the king.

Afini then left Delamu lying on the floor unconscious along with Alaelra to search for the king and bring him to the Dark Sorcerer.

Few moments after they left Anja and Braiba woke up.

"What happened?" asked Braiba as she placed her hand on her head trying to recall what happened to them and how they lost consciousness.

"It was mother and father, they attacked us" said Anja recalling everything that had happened to them including how their parents attacked them.

Braiba said nothing as she too began to recall how their parents attacked them.

"We have to find them" said Braiba.

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