Chapter 7

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Afini, Alaelra and Delamu made their way to Buganbal but as they approached Buganbal Alaelra stopped them from going any further.

"What's wrong Alaelra?" asked Afini.

"I just realized something. What if the king recognizes us" said Alaelra?

"She is right, if the king finds out you two are the same storm maker and sorceress he saw the night his father was killed there is no telling what he would do" said Delamu.

"So what do we do then?" asked Afini.

"I have an idea" said Alaelra before she used her magic to change her and Afini's appearance.

"There, now we look nothing like ourselves" said Alaelra.

"Alright then, now we may continue" said Delamu before they continued to make their way to Buganbal.

Once they finally arrived at Buganbal they were met with the familiar faces of the villages.

From the way they looked at them Alaelra and Afini were reminded of the way the villagers casted and condemned them and every other mystic creature all those years.

Delamu noticing the way the people's stares were affecting them said, "We should continue that the royal palace isn't too far from here".

They all then carried on moving through the kingdom of Buganbal until they reached the royal palace.

Once there Alaelra and Afini froze up, remembering the night in the palace King Adanjan died.

"Are you two okay" asked Delamu noticing that something was wrong with them.

Alaelra and Afini then came back to reality and said "we are".

"Good, shall we go in then" asked Delamu.

"Let's" said Alaelra as they entered the palace.

Once there Delamu took them to meet the one person they wore they would never look in the eye, king Atoni.

"Delamu, you have returned. Are these the warriors you spoke of" said the king upon seeing them.

Delamu then went down on his knees.

"Yes my lord, these two are warriors I spoke of. Allow me to introduce Afini, a brave and tremendously strong warrior who can conquer any beast imaginable and Alaelra, skilled woman with knowledge on all things magic and monstrous beast" said Delamu.

"Hmm" said the king as looked at Afini and Alaelra.

"These are the warriors you promised Delamu, nothing seems promising about them" said the king, not impressed by Afini and Alaelra.

Afini felt insulted by what the king said and his anger began to slowly rise.

As Afini's anger grew small storm clouds began to form above the palace.

Alaelra noticed Afini's rising temper and then held hand before whispering to him "control your temper dear before you destroy the entire castle with a lightning storm".

Afini then looked out the window and thensaw the forming storm clouds, realizing his temper was the cause of the storm clouds forming and taking few calming breath and then calmed down before the king noticed.

"My lord, I know they may not look like much but I assure these two are the best of the best, you can try searching across the lands far from Buganbal and you still wouldn't be able find warriors as capable as these two" said Delamu.

"Hmmm alright then since you are my head guard I will hold you on your word and trust that these two are our kingdom's best hope. Take them to one of castle rooms so they can rest, they look tired" said the king.

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