Chapter 25

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As Afini and Alaelra hugged each other in a warm and loving embrace before a roar could be heardechoing from high up in the sky above.

They all then looked up to the sky and saw the Dark Sorcerer riding his Black Death Beast searching of the king.

Afini and Alaelra then looked at each other and understood that they had to stop the Dark Sorcerer because if his kind evil was left unchecked he would end up spreading chaos and misery across the lands beyond Buganbal long after he had had his revenge on the king.

Afini and Alaelra understood the madness of the Dark Sorcerer inflicted upon him by the very dark powers he possessed, his madness would not allow him to stop spilling blood and tormenting others even if he got to the king and enacts his revenge.

Afini and Alaelra also understood that they had to save the king as well, even though he had caused them so much pain their good hearts would not allow them stand by and let the king suffer in the hands of the Dark Sorcerer.

Afini and Alaelra then turned back to their children with a serious look on their faces.

"Listen up Anja, Braiba, we need you both to go back home, where it's safe" said Afini.

"But what about you two?" asked Anja?

Afini and Alaelra then looked at each other not sure how to answer their son's question.

"Just go, you and Braiba will be safe back home" said Afini.

"No, I'm not leaving you here, either we all go together or none at all" said Anja.

"Stop being difficult Anja" said Afini.

"I don't care what you say I'm not going anywhere" said Anja refusing to leave his father.

"ENOUGH OF THIS ANJA LEAVE NOW!!!!!" said Afini with a thunderous voice with his eyes glowing lightning.

"NO" replied Anja with his own thunderous voice just like that of his father with his eyes glowing like lightning as well, refusing to obey a direct command from his father for the very first time.

The two storm maker stared at each other with their eyes glowing like lightning with as voice so deep that it sounded like thunder that caused the ground around them to quake and shake.

While Afini was trying to convince his son to leave Alaelra turned to her daughter, knowing she was much more level headed and mature than Anja and she would better understand how serious their current situation was and why they needed to leave.

"Braiba" said Alaelra.

"Yes mother" said Braiba.

"You know why you and Anja have to leave" said Alaelra.

"Yes mother" said Braiba trying her best to hold back the tears that stood at the very edge of her eyes as she spoke.

"Good, now please can you handle your brother" said Alaelra.

"Okay" said Braiba before she went to Anja who stood his ground before their father, refusing to leave them to face the Dark Sorcerer alone.

"Anja, can I talk to you for a moment" asked Braiba softly.

Anja then turned to his sister.

He could tell that she was trying desperately to hold back her eyes.

"What's wrong Braiba?" asked Anja.

"Forgive me brother but I'm doing this for you own good" said Braiba.

"Forgive you for..." before Anja could complete his sentence Braiba whispered softly, "sleep".

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