Chapter 26

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Afini to was the first to charge in, with lightning flowing out of his body he rushed to the Dark Sorcerer and delivered blows so power they shook the earth and made the air echo thunder.

Alaelra while Afini battled the Dark Sorcerer noticed Amasu on the floor bounded down by the magic of the Dark Sorcerer and so she freed him using her magic.

"You have to get out of here, run away as fast as you can" said Alaelra to Amasu.

"No, that monster had my father reduced to a pile of bones, I will not rest still I have my revenge and his blood flowed down from my blood" said Alaelra as he raised his sword high wanting to join Afini battle the Dark Sorcerer so he could have his revenge on him for killing his father.

"I can't let you do that" said Alaelra realizing that Amasu was Delamu's son.

"You are not the boss of me" said Amasu as he brought out his sword against Alaelra.

"If you will not allow me get my revenge I'll have no choice but to attack you" said Amasu.

Alaelra looked in to the child's eyes and understood his pain, he had just watched his father die right in front of him and now he feels like he has to be the one to end life of Dark Sorcerer to get revenge for his father's death.

"Look child I understand you are angry and you feel like you have to fight but if you fight this battle it would be the end of your death just like your father. Now child if your father was here right now would he want you to die fight just to avenge him" asked Alaelra.

Amasu upon hearing what Alaelra said sighed, knowing she was right, father won't want him to end his life fighting in a battle he knew he could not win and would probably die fighting so he put away his and looked Alaelra in her eyes.

"Please I have only one request make and that is for you to make that monster pay for everything he has done and if you can make his death as slow and painful as possible, do it" these were the last words Amasu said to Alaelra before he left hoping that she and Afini would end the Dark Sorcerer's reign of terror and bloodshed.

Alaelra sighed knowing that neither she nor Afini had the power to stop the Dark Sorcerer they could only by time at most and possibly free the king from him but stopping him for good was beyond their power.

Afini attacked the Dark Sorcerer with his lightning filled fists, delivering a devastating blow that caused the ground underneath to break and tear apart but despite the fact Afini attacked with his full strength, it did nothing to harm the Dark Sorcerer who just stood still holding the fist Afini used to attack him.

"You still don't understand storm maker" said the Dark Sorcerer before using his magic to send Afini flying crashing straight into a wall from one of houses in the kingdom.

The Dark Sorcerer then made the house Afini crashed into collapse on top of him, burying Afini under a pile of rubble that formed as the house collapsed.

The Dark Sorcerer then went to the pile of rubble and lifted Afini from it using his magic.

"You can't win this battle" said the Dark Sorcerer looking at Afini with his demon like red eyes before he began to use his magic to cause an immense amount of pain to floor through Afini's body, causing the storm maker to scream and shout out in immense pain.

The Dark Sorcerer smiled as derived pleasure from hearing Afini scream in pain but then a ball of magic flew from behind the Dark Sorcerer struck him from behind.

The Dark Sorcerer stopped inflicting pain upon Afini causing to fall down to the ground, weak and in far too much pain to continue to fight.

The Dark Sorcerer then turned around to see who had attacked him from behind and it was none other than Alaelra who stood behind him.

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