Chapter 11

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The battle waged on between the beast of the realm eternal night and the Buganbalian royal guards along with Afini and Alaelra.

The Dark Sorcerer, sitting on the back of the Black Death Beast with a smile on his face while watching his army of monsters kill guards that were trying to protect the Buganbal.

The battle was indeed one sided as the beast devoured guards as they fought against them.

Afini and Alaelra did not use their powers, as did not want to expose themselves yet as The Storm Maker and Sorceress but even without their powers they could still hold their own on the battle field.

Delamu had no problem slaying most the beast as that made their way to him.

He had skill and experience as a former adventure that had come face to face with some of the deadliest beasts in lands.

But the other fell to the beast, one by one until they were only a hand full of guards left.

Alaelra, seeing how one sided the battle was going was, understood that the only way for them to win this battle was for her and Afini to use their powers.

Alaelra then went to Afini and said, "We can't continue like this Afini".

Afini then looked around, seeing what Alaelra was trying to say.

They were losing; the beasts were too strong of the guards to face.

Afini then took a deep breath and turned to Alaelra nodding his.

Alaelra understood what he meant when he nodded his and knew exactly which action to take.

Afini then went to Delamu.

"Delamu, order all the guards to retreat" said Afini.

"What are you planning on doing" asked Delamu.

"Just do what I said" said Afini.

Delamu saw the serious look on Afini's face and understood that it would be better he listened and obeyed his friend.

"RETREAT!!!" screamed Delamu, ordering the guards to retreat back the safety of Buganbal.

All the guards then left.

"Good luck old friend" said Delamu as he hugged Afini.

Delamu then left the battlefield along with what remained of his men, leaving Afini and Alaelra alone to continue the fight.

Alaelra and Afini were now the only two left to protect Buganbal.

The Dark Sorcerer smiled when he saw that they were the only two left.

Afini then turned to Alaelra and ask, "Are ready".

Alaelra then nodded her head.

Alaelra then removed the spell she put on herself and Afini that changed their appearance, revealing their true forms as the Sorceress and Storm Maker.

The guards looked at them from afar, shock and unable to believe they were indeed the same Storm Maker and Sorceress that supposedly killed the former king all those years ago.

The Dark Sorcerer just smiled at them before say, "I was wondering how long it would take for you to finally reveal yourselves Storm Maker and Sorceress".

"Why are you doing this Sorcerer, what wrong have the people of Buganbal done to you that you would wish to slay them all with monsters for the realm of eternal night" said Afini.

The Dark Sorcerer just smiled before saying, "alright then since you wish to know I'll tell you, a long time I ago when I still young I lost everything and was denied my birth right. I simply want to reclaim what I was denied".

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