Chapter 1 {Intro}

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Once upon a time in a distant land far, far away, there lived a kingdom called Buganbal.

Buganbal was a kingdom where magical, wondrous and amazing creatures lived in peace along with its people but sadly this peace did not last.

One night in the royal palace of Buganbal, prince Atoni and the royal guards rushed to the king's room upon hearing an alarming sound come from the room.

Once there they saw a Storm Maker, a being of immense power with the ability to control the raw power of the storm and next to him a Sorceress filled with the immense power of raw and pure magic and on the floor the king Adanjan laid down lifeless and dead.

The prince upon seeing the lifeless corpse of his father became blinded by anger and rage.

The Storm Maker and Sorceress tried explain themselves but the prince was too blind by his rage to listen.

He ordered the guards to arrest the Storm Maker and Sorceress but before they could the Sorceress used her magic to make the both her and the Storm Maker to vanish in a flash of binding light.

Prince Atoni soon became king but he was still filled with anger and hatred towards the Storm Maker and Sorceress for the death of his father and that anger never stopped growing.

Soon he became so consumed by his rage and anger that he began to extend his hatred to the magical creatures that lived in Buganbal so much so that he made a law stating that all magical creatures in Buganbal be killed.

The people of Buganbal began to slay the magical creature one by one.

Some of the creature managed to escape, fleeing to the forest outside Buganbal.

Many years later and Anja, a young Storm Maker and his twin sister Braiba who was also a young Sorceress roamed the forest with Anja flying high up in the sky admiring the beauty of the forest from high up in the forest while his sister was busy writing in her small journal about the beautiful creatures were in the forest.

"What a beautiful day, the sun is out and the birds are busy sing" said Braiba as she stopped writing in her journal to observe the beauty of the forest.

"Yes Braiba, the forest is truly a magical place isn't it" said Anja as he landed next to his sister, taking in the beauty of the forest.

They then heard a loud cry coming from the forest.

"What was that?" asked Anja.

"I am not sure but whatever it was it sounded like it's in some kind of danger" said Anja.

"Come on Anja, let's go and see where the sound came from maybe we can find what made that sound" said Braiba before she and Anja left, looking for what made the sound.

Meanwhile in another part of the forest, a boy named Amasu had just trapped a small creature in a trap he set himself

The creature he caught was small, covered in white fur, had no razor shape claws or teeth and did not look like it could harm anyone.

The creature cried out as it feared what Amasu might do to it and its cries were what Anja and Braiba heard.

Amasu was greatly disappointed when he saw the creature he had captured as he wanted to capture a great beast whose strength a power would make the bravest and mightiest of warrior flee in fear but much to his disappointment all he could catch was that small creature.

"I spent the entire day setting this trap and this is what I get, a white fur ball who looks like it couldn't even harm a fly" said Amasu who was greatly disappointed.

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