chapter 22

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"Friendship is not an opportunity; it is a sweet necessity, a silent language, a comfort in solitude, a source of joy in society, a hope in sorrow, and a shield against misfortune."


The morning light streamed through the window, painting golden stripes across Jungkook's face. He stirred, the remnants of a troubling dream clinging to him like cobwebs. The memory of falling, the desperate cry of the child – it sent a shiver down his spine.

He squeezed his eyes shut, the image fading but the lingering fear making his heart thump in his chest. Then, a warmth seeped into his memory, the comforting scent of Taehyung's embrace. He remembered his Hyung's strong arms holding him close, whispering reassurances that chased away the shadows of the night.

A small sigh escaped his lips, a mixture of relief and exhaustion washing over him. He had to face the day, but the ordeal of the nightmare had left him feeling drained. Pushing himself up in bed, he swung his legs over the edge, the familiar ache in his lower back a constant reminder of the tiny miracle growing within him.

He shuffled towards the bathroom, the fatigue clinging to him like a heavy cloak. A quick shower helped wash away the remnants of sleep and the lingering anxieties of the night. Emerging from the bathroom, he padded towards the living room, the faint sound of the television guiding his way.

There, curled up on the couch, was Jimin, engrossed in a program. He looked up as Jungkook entered, a wide smile lighting up his face.

"Good morning, sleepyhead! How's the most important person in the house feeling today?" Jimin chirped, his voice laced with a teasing lilt.

Jungkook managed a weak smile, the memory of his nightmare still casting a shadow over his mood. "Just a little tired Jiminie hyung," he mumbled, sinking down onto the opposite end of the couch.

Jimin's smile softened. He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to Jungkook's forehead, the gesture filled with warmth and concern. "What would you and the little munchkin like for breakfast, hmm?"

Jungkook couldn't help but let out a giggle at the question. He loved how Jimin always included the baby in their conversations, treating it as a real person already.

"Pancakes," he started, then added with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "with… whipped cream and… and… chopped pickles!"

Jimin's face contorted in a funny mix of surprise and disgust. "Pickles? On pancakes? Jungkook, that's… interesting. Are you sure the baby approves of this culinary adventure?"

Jungkook doubled over with laughter, the sound light and genuine, chasing away the last vestiges of his earlier gloom. "Maybe not. But hey, it's worth a try, right?"

Jimin chuckled, shaking his head but a smile playing on his lips. "Alright, alright. You two win. Prepare yourselves for the most unique breakfast experience ever." He rose from the couch and headed towards the kitchen, already rummaging through cupboards and drawers.

Jungkook watched him go, a wave of gratitude washing over him. He was so lucky to have Jimin and Taehyung in his life. They were his anchors, his support system, his rock during this whirlwind of emotions and changes.

As the sound of whisking and sizzling filled the air, Jungkook's mind drifted to Taehyung. "Where's Taehyung hyung?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jimin paused, a spoon mid-air. "Oh, he went to the library this morning. Finals are coming up in a few weeks, so he's busy cramming knowledge into his head."

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