chapter 8

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(Heyy!! Firstly go and read chapter 7..due to some errors it wasn't notified...)


Most people DON'T LOVE YOU! They just love what you can do for them! Keep that in mind and stay focused!!!


The morning sun painted the cityscape with hues of gold as Jungkook and Yugyeom boarded the bus for another day of college adventures. The air inside the bus hummed with a blend of chatter, laughter, and the low murmur of conversations.

Choosing a pair of seats near the window, Jungkook and Yugyeom settled in for their daily journey. The city unfolded before them, a canvas of possibilities and unknowns. As the bus made its way through the lively streets, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of another day of exploration.

Yugyeom, always the lively conversationalist, animatedly recounted stories from his previous bus adventures, painting vivid pictures of quirky characters and amusing encounters. Jungkook chuckled along, relishing the camaraderie that had become an integral part of their morning routine.

Amidst the friendly banter, Jungkook's eyes wandered around the bus, observing the diverse mix of passengers. It was then that his gaze fell upon a boy who exuded a magnetic charm. Leaning casually against a pole, the boy was engaged in conversation with a girl seated nearby. His smile was infectious, drawing others into the orbit of his charisma.

 His smile was infectious, drawing others into the orbit of his charisma

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Jungkook couldn't help but be captivated by the boy's presence. With dark hair that fell effortlessly over his forehead and eyes that sparkled with mischief, the boy seemed to have an effortless way of making those around him feel at ease.

As the bus continued its route, the boy's laughter reached Jungkook's ears, resonating with a magnetic energy. A subtle flutter in Jungkook's chest caught him off guard – an unfamiliar sensation that he tried to brush aside.

Turning to Yugyeom, Jungkook asked casually, "Hey, do you know that guy over there? The one with the dark hair, flirting with the girl?"

Yugyeom followed Jungkook's gaze and grinned knowingly. "Ah, you've spotted Cha Eunwoo. He's a third-year, a total heartthrob, and probably one of the most flirtatious guys in the entire college."

Jungkook's curiosity piqued. "Cha Eunwoo, huh? What's the deal with him?"

Yugyeom leaned in, as if sharing a juicy secret. "Well, he's got this reputation as the college heartbreaker. Girls swoon over him, and he's got this charm that's hard to resist. But, here's the catch – he's broken the hearts of almost half the college. He's like a walking romance drama, but in real life."

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