113: Final Battle Arc; Dawn's Conquest

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As the sun slowly started to rise, casting its golden rays across the battlefield, a sense of unease filled the air. Asmodeus, the once formidable demon, recoiled in horror at the sight of the approaching dawn. His monstrous form trembled, a primal fear gripping his very essence.

"No! No! This cannot be happening!" Asmodeus roared, his voice echoing with desperation.

But the sun continued its steady ascent, its warm light piercing through the darkness that shrouded the battlefield. Asmodeus, realizing the imminent threat to his existence, unleashed another shockwave of dark energy in a futile attempt to halt the sun's advance.

The shockwave ripped through the air, sending Sigils, Karan, and the others tumbling backward. Sigils, his left eyesight already lost in the previous struggle, gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on his sword, determination etched on his face.

"We cannot let him escape!" Sigils shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle. "We must hold him down!"

With renewed determination, Sigils and Karan lunged forward, their combined strength focusing on keeping Asmodeus pinned to the ground. As they tightened their grip on their blades, a brilliant red light began to emanate from the swords, causing Asmodeus to recoil in agony.

The demon's skin sizzled and smoked as the intense light burned through his flesh, causing him to cough up blood in a desperate attempt to quell the pain.

But Asmodeus was not one to surrender easily. With a snarl of defiance, he attempted to shield himself from the sun's rays by conjuring a grotesque wall of flesh around his form. Transforming into a grotesque monstrosity, he lashed out with his newly formed appendages, swallowing Sigils and Karan in a tide of writhing flesh.

Sigils, trapped within the fleshy prison, summoned every ounce of strength he had left. With a mighty heave, he threw his head back, headbutting Karan with enough force to send him flying free from the flesh's grasp.

"Sigils!" Karan cried out, reaching out in vain as his friend disappeared into the mass of pulsating flesh.

But even as Sigils was consumed by darkness, his resolve remained unbroken. With a final act of defiance, he tightened his grip on his sword and drove it deep into Asmodeus' writhing form, causing the demon to roar in agony.

Asmodeus, his flesh sizzling and burning under the relentless assault of the sun's rays, frantically attempted to escape. With a mighty effort, he tried to crush the fighters behind the tram cars with his massive fist, only to have his hand sliced off by the swift intervention of GarryBlox.

But Asmodeus was not so easily deterred. With a primal fury, he continued to claw and dig, his monstrous form slowly disappearing beneath the earth as he sought refuge from the sun's deadly embrace.

The fighters, exhausted and battered, watched in horror as Asmodeus attempted to flee. With a renewed sense of urgency, they rallied together, launching a coordinated assault on the fleeing demon.

Nico, Loaf, and Karan worked in tandem, their attacks striking true but inflicting only minor damage on the demon's rapidly regenerating form.

"We can't let him escape!" Nico shouted, his voice filled with determination.

With a final burst of strength, Sigils tightened his grip on his sword, channeling every ounce of his remaining energy into a single, decisive blow. With a mighty roar, he plunged the sword deep into Asmodeus' retreating form, causing the demon to rear up in agony.

"Finish him!" SSundee cried out, his voice filled with desperation.

And as the sun rose higher in the sky, the demon finally began to disintegrate, his screams echoing across the battlefield as his essence was consumed by the unforgiving light of day.

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