38: Forging Destiny

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

GarryBlox knocked on SSundee's office door, gaining permission to enter. Inside, he informed SSundee of Alxton's arrival, who was waiting by the front door. SSundee welcomed Alxton in, and the three engaged in a conversation about the weapons Alxton had been crafting.

"Hey Ian," GarryBlox greeted.

"What's up?" SSundee replied.

"Alxton is here," GarryBlox said, pointing towards the front door where Alxton stood.

"Let him in," SSundee replied.

Alxton entered, exchanging greetings with SSundee. After a brief catch-up, Alxton revealed the purpose of his visit.

"I've been making weapons recently, and I thought about making their preferred weapons. Can you tell the assassins to list down weapons they would like to try using or prefer to use?" Alxton requested.

"Sure, I'll do that," SSundee replied. "Anything?"

"Yes, anything. Even samurai swords," Alxton responded.

"I'll call a meeting now, so you can relay the message to the assassins," SSundee suggested.

As the assassins gathered for the meeting, they were surprised to find Alxton in attendance.

"Alxton, what are you doing here?" Biffle questioned.

"I've been making weapons recently, and I thought about making their preferred weapons. Can you list down weapons you would like to try using or prefer to use?" Alxton requested.

The assassins, excited by the prospect of new weapons, eagerly provided their preferences. Alxton, armed with pen and paper, collected the varied requests from each assassin. Kate, the highest-ranked assassin, wanted smoke bombs, a dagger, and a better-quality kunai.

Now, on to the middle ranked assassins. Zud requested for a metal staff, a better kunai, and a metal fist. GarryBlox requested for a quarter staff, a kunai, and a lasso, presumably to tie people up. Sigils requested for a samurai sword, a kunai, and grenades. Biffle requested nothing but only a bazooka, and Nico requested a shotgun, a better quality kunai, and a dagger.

On to the low ranked assassins, Ambrew requested a crossbow, a dagger, and a kunai, and Mitzefy requested for smoke bombs and a kunai.

The leaders, on the other hand, both requested grenades, kunais, and samurai swords.

"Well, that's everyone." Alxton replied, until SSundee reminded him. "Aren't you forgetting the deceased?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot! How do we communicate to the dead anyways?" Alxton replied. "Someone would have to sacrifice themselves to spawn the divine being and not knowing what happened." Jerome explained. "Who's gonna do it?"

"I'll do it." Mitzefy replied. "Demiurge!" Then, sparks and bright lights emanated from her, forcing them to shield their eyes.

When the dazzling light subsided, they opened their eyes to see the divine being, PatP.

"Hello my friends." PatP replied, greeting them. Alxton awed at this discovery. "That's so cool!"

"What is up?" PatP asked.

"Henwy mentioned that some of the angels will be reborn soon. Who are they?" Zud asked.

"That will be Henwy, Loaf, Crainer and Slogo." PatP replied. "Wowza, that's a lot." Nico remarked.

"The more the better, Nico." Sigils commented.

"Well, can you tell them to choose a weapon? Our swordsmith wanted to make weapons for all of us." GarryBlox requested.

"Sure, I'll do that. That'll take a while, though." PatP replied.

"That's alright. We can wait." SSundee replied.

After a waiting period, during which the divine being communicated with the reborn assassins, they've requested their weapons.

Henwy and Loaf requested for a samurai sword, a dagger, and a better quality kunai. Jagster requested for a gun, a dagger, and a better quality kunai. ShadowApples requested for smoke bombs, grenades and a better quality kunai. Crainer requested for a samurai sword, a quarter staff, and a better quality kunai, and Slogo requested for a samurai sword, a shotgun, and a better quality kunai.

Alxton promised to deliver the personalized weapons in person within 1-2 weeks.

"I will deliver your weapons in person, and it takes approximately 1-2 weeks to finish making them," Alxton assured.

As the door closed behind Alxton, GarryBlox returned to his seat. A moment of silence lingered until PatP expressed urgency.

"I'm going to spawn in Slogo and Henwy; they needs to talk to you," PatP declared.

Henwy and Slogo materialized with an urgent message, shouting, "FOX! HE BROKE OUT!"

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