1: Vendetta

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A mysterious figure, also a well ranked serial killer, notices a couple fighting and once they separated, he asks him what he's up to, and prepares to strike, but someone leaps from nowhere and steals the serial killer's kill. "Haha... oops, looks like I killed someone faster than you..." the mysterious figure that just killed the serial killer's target replied in shame.

"You stole my kill! Who the heck are you?!" Lawler, a high ranked serial killer, exclaimed. The figure that cornered the serial killer, breathed very heavily. "You will regret... killing one... of my... associates..." The figure replied with a deep voice. Without mercy, the figure ended Lawler's life and disposed of the body in a dumpster before changing his outfit to avoid suspicion.

"Did you get rid of Lawler..." A voice asked from the phone.





"Yes, I'll never let you down, Ian." Zud replied.

"Good, now head back to the base." SSundee commanded.

As Zud headed back to the base, he stashed the weapon he had seized from Lawler and changed back into his normal outfit, stained with blood. "Finally, he's dead. He's going to regret killing Loaf and Pat," SSundee, the leader of the assassins, remarked.

For those unfamiliar, assassins and serial killers coexisted in a world of misunderstandings and enmity. And the serial killer Lawler, had taken the lives of two assassin associates, LoafX and PatP.

"Great work Zud, we've managed to take down a high ranked serial killer." Sigils, a middle ranked assassin praised. "Sad that Loaf and Pat are no longer with us..." Biffle, another middle ranked assassin, added. "'We should not dwell on our comrades' deaths but continue our main goal: defeating the serial killers at all costs. At least one high-ranking serial killer has been eliminated by one of our assassins," Henwy, the highest-ranked assassin, declared, and everyone cheered.

"Boys, I've got a mission for you," SSundee called out to the Regulars: Sigils, Biffle, Nico, and Henwy. This time, Henwy wasn't supposed to be on the mission; he had to investigate the serial killers' lookouts. "You're supposed to find a serial killer named Lookumz, i think thats his name? I don't know. Anyways, be cautious; he's an excellent hacker." Nico, the hacking expert, received an extra warning.

Meanwhile, the rest of the assassins were concerned about Henwy's emotional state. "Do you think Henwy's okay? He's not been the same ever since the death of Loaf and Pat." Kate, a high ranked assassin asked JeromeASF, the vice leader of the assassins. Jerome sighs, shrugged his shoulders. "He's clearly lost his emotions after their death, last time when they were still alive, he was his normal bubbly self." Ambrew, a low ranked assassin stated. "I've even tried to humour him with jokes, but he just didn't seem to care." GarryBlox, a middle ranked assassin added.

A few hours later, Henwy anxiously waited for the Regulars' return, but they didn't return, nor were there any signs the next day. "Are they still trying to find that serial killer?" Henwy wondered. One day later, he received a distressing call from SSundee and dropped his phone upon hearing SSundee's devastating sentence:

"Henwy, come quick, the Regulars... they are dead..."

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