34: Unveiling the Moving Friendship

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

The next day arrived with a weighty curiosity hanging over SSundee's mind. Venturing into his exclusive library, he sought the elusive book that had caught Henwy's attention, a quest lacking any breadcrumb trail.

"Useless information," SSundee grumbled, displaying both frustration and a hint of laziness. Turning to his research experts, Zud and Kate, for aid in this enigmatic search became his next course of action.

Upon his return, SSundee inquired eagerly, "Did you find the book I requested?"

"No luck, I'm afraid," Kate replied with a tinge of disappointment.

"Neither did I. But I stumbled upon something intriguing in another book," Zud interjected, sparking SSundee's curiosity.

"What did you find?" SSundee asked, eager for any lead.

"Turns out, the former vice leader, Slogoman, unearthed a startling revelation about the serial killers," Zud began, until Kate interjected, seeking clarification about the base's unusual mobility.

"The base appears to be an endlessly vast extra-dimensional space," Zud continued, describing its warped gravity and peculiar construction, leading to an intriguing discussion about the base's stealth capabilities.

As details unfolded, SSundee's curiosity intensified. "How do they navigate this shifting base?" he queried.

"Apparently, through a magical guitar, capable of manipulating their positions within the base's range," Zud explained.

While the revelations were fascinating, the elusive book Henwy referenced remained undiscovered. Finally, Kate triumphantly produced the dusty tome, much to SSundee's annoyance.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" SSundee asked, his irritation evident.

"I just found it," Kate retorted, defending her timing.

Reading from the dusty book, Kate uncovered a crucial piece of the puzzle. "Apparently, when Vice Leader Slogo took charge, most assassins were deceased. He initiated a switch of bases and declared a new leader, yet they never disclosed who that leader was."

Zud pondered, "Ian was the new leader, but did Slogo announce that Ian was supposed to be the leader?"

SSundee clarified, "Actually, I wasn't the leader. Slogo declared someone else, but I don't know who."

Perplexed, Kate asked, "If you didn't know who made you the leader, how did you know you became one?"

"He gave me a note," SSundee revealed, agreeing to show it to them.

"This handwriting seems familiar," Zud noted, scrutinizing the text.

After a prolonged analysis, a realization dawned upon Zud.




"Wait... this is... Henwy's handwriting."

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