66: Assassin Training Arc; Hiding Training

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The next day, Sigils woke up feeling fresh. Ready to embark on another training, Sigils walks to the next training—hiding training.

And no, that training is not for hiding from training. It's a training to train assassins to hide better. We don't know why this training exists, but SSundee thought it'll work out.

Sigils notices Crainer and greets him. "Hey Crainer!"

Crainer notices and greets him back. "Hey Sigils!"

Apparently, this is one of the trainings that are just for fun. Escape training is another one, but that's not the case. Like most assassins, Crainer didn't want to play that friendly, and made the hiding training a little harder.

The rules were simple. The hiders will be given minutes to hide and if the seeker rats them out, they have to attempt to fight back to have another chance to fight. If they get defeated, they're out. They will continue this until they are the last ones remaining. But Crainer was a little nice, instead of asking them to use their own weapons, he gave them wooden swords so that they did not hurt each other.

"I like this training already." GarryBlox replied.

"Don't jinx it, Garry." Sigils reminded.

"You're right." GarryBlox agreed.

"Get hiding!" Crainer yelled, and everyone scurried away.

There were some decent spots, but some people found toxic spots, like a secret room in a tree trunk and in a vent. Sigils had ran out of places to find for some hiding spots, and the worst thing of all, he heard Crainer yell, "Here I come!"

I'm doomed! I don't have a spot! Sigils thought.

"Sigils! Over here!" Someone said. Sigils turned around, to see Mitzefy.

"Mitz?" Sigils asked.

"I've got a toxic spot for you! Here, drink this!" Mitzefy offered. "I found this in a bush."

"How can I trust you that that isn't poison?" Sigils asked.

"A lot of reasons! First, I worked with you in the mid test, and we succeeded, second, the poison is purple, this is literally rose in colour. Third, why would I abandon you after what we've done together?" Mitzefy stated.

"That's true. Give me it." Sigils replied.

Sigils drank it, and he became invisible. "Woah!"

"I know I can't see you, but I know you're still there, but now you can troll Crainer too. He's never know who it'll be, anyways." Mitzefy added.

"Thanks Mitz! I knew I could count on you!" Sigils thanked.

"Found ya!" Crainer suddenly yelled, and Sigils turns around, to see Crainer swung his sword at him. I'm out already?

The sword goes past Sigils's body and it hits someone. "Ah, dang it!" Someone said. Sigils turned back again to see GarryBlox groaning. "Come on, I didn't have time to attack you!"

"Oh right, I'm invisible, I forgot." Sigils said to himself.

"Who said that?!" Crainer yelled. 

Sigils realised and covered his mouth, panicking. Crap! I forgot I can't talk when I'm invisible because they could still hear me! Sigils thought.

"Maybe I'm just hearing things." Crainer conceded.

Whew... that was close. Sigils thought.

Soon after, Ambrew was caught, and it was down to Sigils and Mitzefy.

"Y'all are doing good..." Crainer admitted. "Five more minutes until I find you!"

Just then, Mitzefy accidentally breaks a stick, and the stick broke, making a sound. "Who's there?" Crainer asked.

Sigils realised he had to do something to save Mitzefy. Seeing a rock close to him, he threw the rock at Crainer and he gets knocked by it, and he turns back.

"Man, you guys are messing with me!" Crainer whined. "I see you, Sigils!"

Oh no! My invisibility went out! Sigils thought.

"Think fast!" Mitzefy yelled, and threw a wooden sword at Sigils and he picks it up and deflects Crainer's ongoing attack. Just then, the time was up, and it was declared that Sigils and Mitzefy survived.

"I'm actually impressed." Crainer replied.

"Thanks. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?" Mitzefy replied.

"I'm pretty satisfied with your teamwork, so I think you can go for the next training!" Crainer declared.

"Wait, really?" Sigils asked.

"Yeah! Go ahead! It's for your escape training! Well, not really escape, but you learn escaping skills from Jelly." Crainer replied sarcastically.

Next training, here we come!

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