72: A Killer's Enchantment

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As Sigils, maintaining his guise as Karan, entered the expansive serial killer base, he found himself astounded by its sheer size. Lanceypooh, the enigmatic Shadowcaster, approached him, casting a looming presence that made Sigils gulp.

"So, Karan, did you take care of the assassins? I heard they attempted to breach our base," the Shadowcaster inquired.

"Uh... yeah! Corey's holding them off, just in case they regain consciousness," Sigils lied.

"Why not eliminate them?" questioned the Shadowcaster.

"We have other plans for them," Sigils suggested.

"Fair enough," the Shadowcaster conceded.

Relieved, Sigils communicated with Henwy through his earpiece. "How's everything, Sigils?" Henwy asked.

"Not bad so far. I'll unmute when they hold a meeting," Sigils replied.

Later, a meeting was called, and Sigils turned to Henwy for a favor. "Can you help me answer if I don't know what to say?"

"Aren't you an author? You should know what to say," Henwy remarked.

"But it's Lance! He's intimidating!" Sigils exclaimed.

As Gold approached, Sigils begged Henwy for assistance. "Come on, Henwy, please!"

"Fine. You owe me one," Henwy sighed.

The meeting commenced, and Kwebbelkop, a new assassin, reported that some assassins had been revived, including past members. Panic ensued as the revived assassins included Henwy, Slogo, Crainer, and Loaf.

"They're alive? How?" Gold questioned.

"That's what I'm not sure about," Kwebbelkop admitted.

"We might have to figure out how to do that. Karan?" The Shadowcaster ordered.

Tilt teleported Sigils to the enchanted room, where he marveled at its magic. Henwy reminded him of their mission. "Sigils! We're on a mission here!"

"My bad," Sigils replied, finding lapis in a chest. "I'm gonna keep some."

"Did you bring the book?" Henwy asked.

"Uh... no?" Sigils admitted.

With a sigh, Henwy directed Sigils to look above, where a book fell from the sky. A failed catch led to a commotion, attracting everyone's attention.

"Is everything okay in there, Karan?" Mas asked.

"I'm fine! I accidentally dropped a book..." Sigils reassured.

"Be careful. The books are heavy. Need help?" Mas offered.

"I can help!" Henwy, disguised as Corey, responded while carrying two 'assassins.'

"Oh Corey, you're back! Can you help Karan?" The Shadowcaster requested.

"Sure thing," Henwy replied, teleporting to Sigils.

"I thought you were dead?!" Sigils exclaimed, but Henwy silenced him. "Chill, it's just me."

"Oh, thank god. What about Corey and Karan?" Sigils asked.

"Don't worry. I used some leftover blood to disguise them. It won't hold for long, so we have to be quick," Henwy assured. He retrieved the reviewed book from the assassin base and began reading.

As they read, they heard someone yell, "HENWY, SIGILS!"

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