62: Assassin Training Arc; Speed Training

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Kate wandered the grounds, attempting to quell the turmoil within. Mitzefy's unexpected entrance disrupted her thoughts. "Kate?"

Startled, she turned. "Oh hey Mitz, what's up?"

"I'm off to train for poison immunity, then for the mid-test. Can I join you after escape training?" Mitzefy asked.

"I'm not sure if I will be there this time," Kate replied firmly.

"Why not?" Mitzefy inquired, puzzled.

"I think it's time," Kate declared.

"For what?" Mitzefy pressed, confusion etched on his face.

"To kill the demon who murdered my parents."

Sigils has officially fully recovered! And he's fully participating in the assassin training he long hoped for!

"Hey, Sigils! Long time no see! I heard you fought a demon, you're lucky to be in one piece!" Loaf exclaimed.

"I'll give it my all!" Sigils declared.

"Oh, you just have to run a few laps. Around the assassin ground." Loaf replied.

"Oh. That's not that bad. How many?" Sigils asked.

Just then, they see Biffle, exhausted from running. He was running slowly. And I mean, really slowly, at the pace of someone walking. "Come on, Biffle, halfway done! Another 50 more!" Loaf encouraged.

50?! Wait, if he said halfway done... that means... 100 LAPS?!

"Actually, I don't think my legs could handle it, I just recovered..." Sigils hesitated, trying to back out.

"Then there's plan B." Loaf replied.

"There is?" Sigils replied.

"Tell him, Nico." Loaf called out to Nico, who was wiping his sweat.

"Running on a thread mill, for 2 hours..." Nico replied, exhausted.

None of them sound pleasant! Sigils thought.

"I guess running 100 laps then..." Sigils replied unwillingly. "But you get a break before you do it." Loaf added. "Thanks..."

Sigils decided to make his full 1 hour break to talk to Nico, who has already finished a few intensive trainings.

"Apparently the trainings are gonna be even harder. But they'll give you more breaks, in between." Nico said.

"That's a relief." Sigils replied.

"Apparently one of the trainings involves kicking open a 500-pound rock with just your legs," Nico shared.

"Oh god... I'm starting to be on Biffle's side. Why must this training happen?" Sigils said.

"Your times up!" Loaf called out to Sigils.

"Here I go..." Sigils replied.

Back on the track, after a mere 10 laps, Sigils felt drained. "I need a break," he groaned, collapsing.

Just then, Henwy walked to Sigils, and lent a hand. Sigils takes the hand and gets up, and Henwy turns to Loaf. "You should give them some breaks to pump them up. Maybe after they run 10 laps, they can take a 10 minutes break and then do another 10, then so on." Henwy suggested.

"I guess I was too hard on my training. Okay then." Loaf agreed.

"Not fair!" Nico complained.

"Thank heavens!" Sigils replied.

"But don't expect easier trainings when you advance." Henwy warned.

After enduring three grueling hours, Sigils completed the speed training, earning passage to the next stage. He gratefully exited, relieved to have survived.

On to dodging training!

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