79: Shadows of Collusion

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"What collar on him? What are you talking about?" Sigils's voice echoed in the dimly lit room, his eyes narrowing with concern.

"It's a collar the serial killers put on their captured victims to prevent them from escaping!" Tubbo's words hung heavy in the air, laden with dread.

"Now what?!" Nico's voice trembled with apprehension, his hands clenching into fists at his sides.

"I think I gotta stay. We can't be at the entrance for long," Henwy's resolve was unwavering, though his heart weighed heavy with the burden of his decision.

"We're NOT leaving you!" Sigils's voice rang out, filled with determination and defiance.

"Sigils, please, get out of here, they're after you! If you get captured, it'll be all my fault!" Henwy pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.

"It won't be your fault!" Biffle's reassurance was a faint beacon of hope in the encroaching darkness.

"Exactly, that's why I need you to go." Henwy's voice was firm as he pushed his friends out of the base, the heavy door closing behind them with a finality that sent shivers down their spines.

"No! If he goes back in there, they'll get more power and talent from him!" Kate's voice cut through the tense silence, her eyes wide with fear.

The Shadowcaster loomed in the darkness, his presence casting a pall over the group as Tubbo and Wilbur recounted their escape, a thin veneer of deceit masking their true intentions.

"We have to go back!" Sigils's voice cracked with urgency, but Kate's hand on his arm stayed his advance.

"I'm sorry, Sigils. It's too late. We have to go back," Kate's voice was soft but resolute, her eyes betraying the turmoil within.

Back at the diamond cage, Henwy's strength waned with each passing moment, his essence slowly draining away into the abyss. His once vibrant form now pale and frail, a mere shell of his former self.

"If this continues, you might die!" Tubbo's voice echoed from outside the diamond cage, filled with desperation.

"At this point, what's the matter?" Henwy's voice was hollow, resignation lacing his words like poison.

"You can't give up yet! What about your friends?" Wilbur's voice was a lifeline in the darkness, a reminder of the bonds that held them together.

Just then, the Shadowcaster approached, his malevolent presence sending a chill down their spines. Tubbo and Wilbur exchanged a meaningful glance, a plan forming in their minds as they urged Henwy to play along.

"What are you two doing?" The Shadowcaster's voice dripped with suspicion, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized their actions.

"Just laughing at him failing to escape. And they call him the high ranked assassin," Tubbo's voice was laced with mockery, a thin facade masking their true intentions.

"Well, do you two mind staying here? The serial killers and I are about to go to the assassins' base to fight them," The Shadowcaster's voice held a hint of menace, his intentions clear.

"I don't mind," Wilbur's voice was steady, though his heart pounded with apprehension.

"Me too," Tubbo's voice echoed Wilbur's resolve, his eyes glinting with determination.

But Henwy was defiant, his voice ringing out in protest as he refused to be separated from his friends.

"NO! You leave my friends alone!" Henwy's voice was filled with defiance, his eyes ablaze with determination.

"Shut up!" The Shadowcaster's voice was a thunderclap, his patience wearing thin as he activated the collar around Henwy's neck, sending a jolt of pain coursing through his body, making him scream in pain as Tubbo and Wilbur watch in pain.

"Now, I want to try a little something," The Shadowcaster's voice held a sinister edge as he produced a perfume bottle from the depths of his cloak.

"A perfume bottle? What's that gonna do?" Wilbur's voice was laced with apprehension as the Shadowcaster sprayed the noxious fumes around Henwy, draining him of his power with each agonizing breath.

"This perfume bottle allows us to drain power from that little fella. And we can do that whenever we want," The Shadowcaster's voice was filled with malice, a cruel smirk playing across his lips as he reveled in their suffering.

"That's not fair!" Henwy's voice was filled with anguish, his body wracked with pain as his essence was siphoned away.

"It will be fair when all you fellow assassins die," The Shadowcaster's voice was a chilling whisper, his laughter echoing through the darkness like a haunting refrain.

As the Shadowcaster and his minions departed to confront the assassins, Wilbur and Tubbo sprang into action, their minds racing with a desperate plan to turn the tide of the battle.

"Quick, Henwy! You have to send a letter warning the assassins!" Wilbur's voice was urgent as he implored his friend to take action.

"You... do it..." Henwy's voice was weak, his strength waning with each passing moment as he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness.

"Tubbo, we have to break the main variable! Work on finding it while I write a note to the assassins!" Wilbur's voice was filled with determination as he issued his orders.

"Aye aye, sir!" Tubbo's voice rang out with resolve as he set to work, his hands flying deftly as he searched for the elusive variable that held the key to their salvation.

"I've written the note, now how are we going to send it?" Wilbur's voice was filled with urgency as he gazed upon his unconscious friend, his heart heavy with the weight of their plight.

"We have a teleporter! Use it!" Tubbo's voice was laced with excitement as he pointed to the device in the corner of the room.

"It can't teleport large objects!" Wilbur's voice was tinged with frustration, his mind racing for a solution to their dilemma.

"Then just teleport the note!" Tubbo's voice was filled with determination as he urged Wilbur to take action.

With a flick of his wrist, Wilbur activated the teleporter, sending the note hurtling through the void to its destination. But as they awaited word from the assassins, a sense of unease settled over them like a shroud, for they knew that their fate hung in the balance, and that the shadows of collusion loomed ever closer.

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