59: Resonance Marks

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The Night Market was hastily relocated and rebuilt. If nightfall comes, the demons would usually come again. Despite an attack from two very strong demons, the village's defenders kept the damage to a minimum.

There was no time to mourn the lost. The demons would not wait, and even in the shadow of death, the world never stops turning.

"They're relocating their base," Sigils informed amidst bites of chicken parm, his favourite food, drawing concerned looks from Zud and his companions.

"Is it okay to eat so much when you've been unconscious for a week?" Zud asked, to which Sigils, mouth full, replied with a nod and a reference to Crainer's monstrous appetite.

"Yeah! Crainer says he's been eating a lot too!" Sigils replied.

"Yeah, but he's a little weird. He can eat like a hundred bowls of ramen in like, 3 seconds..." Ambrew replied.

"Yeah, he's a monster." Mitzefy added.

"I heard that Crainer and Henwy slept for two days and were almost completely recovered by the third." Colton, who came to visit, added.

"Yeah, it's pretty impressive." GarryBlox replied.

Usually it'll take a month for all of us to recover." Zud added. "Speaking by of which, where are they and the others?"

That day, an emergency Assassin Meeting was held at the meeting room. SSundee, Slogo, Jerome, Henwy, Crainer, LoafX, and Kate are all present.

"I'm jealous. Why don't I ever get to face any demons?" Jerome queried, yearning for action.

"You can't control it, but nearly everyone is running into them." Slogo responded, reminding them of the unpredictable nature of their battles.

"Crainer, Henwy, how are you guys?" Slogo added.

"I'm much better, thanks!" Crainer thanked.

"Me too, although I'm still not my full self." Henwy added.

"If we lose any more assassins, the Headquarters will be in danger. However, isn't good that they defeated strong demons and survived." Slogo emphasized.

"You two healed unusually quick this time. What happened?" Kate asked.

"I suppose SSundee will tell us about that too." Slogo replied.

Just then, SSundee arrives, and settles down. "Apparently, Sigils said he saw Crainer manifested marks with distinctive patterns during the fight against the demons." He began. "I would like them to tell us about the conditions that caused the mark to appear."

Everyone was shocked. Even Crainer himself. "What?! Marks?!" Crainer exclaimed, baffled by the unexpected revelation.

"According to Aiden, a young swordsmith, was with Henwy when Henwy fought a demon by himself. Henwy also gained a similar mark like Crainer." SSundee added.

"That's the first time I heard something like this. Why was this information hidden?" Kate asked.

"That's why. Because many have tormented themselves over why the marks haven't appeared on them too." SSundee replied.

"Most of the details regarding the marks are unclear. Perhaps because it didn't seem important at that time. Or perhaps the information was lost in one of the many times the Assassin Headquarters suffered near destruction." Slogo explained.

"I've actually did a little research, only clear records we have say, 'when the marked ones arrives, the mark will appear on others around that person as if in resonance." Loaf added.

"Where's you research that from?" Kate asked.

"Those words appear in notes left by former assassins who gained the mark." Loaf quoted.

"Okay, but now teach us how it's done, Crainer and Henwy." SSundee requests.

Crainer tries, but only embarrasses himself when all he can come up with is vague and obscure descriptions that are mostly made up of noises about how it felt. "Uh sure! Well, my body was super light, it hit me like waaaah! Like whoooom! Fwaaaah! My heart and stuff was all ba-dump! Ba-dump! And my ears rang like piiing! Crick-crack-pop!"

Everyone stayed in silent, confused and unamused at the same time.





"Well that... um... okay..." SSundee quipped. "What about you, Henwy?"

"I wasn't really aware of receiving the mark. When I think back to that fight, what comes to mind are a few unusual things." Henwy began.

"What are those things?" Jerome asked.

"I guess doing those things might cause the mark to appease on anyone." Henwy replied.


"I'll tell you what they were."

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