13: Unveiling the Past

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"Most of them died in the same month? Pretty weak," Zud quipped, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

"But now we've become stronger, as we have a new batch. Though we lost some assassins, we still have a strong batch ready to take down all the serial killers!" GarryBlox proclaimed confidently, and the room erupted in cheers.

As the excitement filled the air, a voice suddenly hollered from outside the door, shattering the celebratory atmosphere. The five of them jumped in fear at the sound of Sigils's familiar voice. They hoped he hadn't overheard their conversation.

"What are you guys doing in Henwy's room?" Sigils demanded an answer, his tone suspicious.

In a rush to explain themselves, Biffle hastily responded, "Nothing, we were looking for a book in Henwy's library for a long time, and we finally found it!"

"That's the first thing that comes to your mind?!" SSundee whisper-shouted, clearly exasperated.

Sigils, seemingly satisfied with Biffle's response, replied, "Oh... okay," and the crew heard his footsteps fading as he walked away.

"Whew... thank goodness he didn't hear anything we said," Ambrew sighed with relief.

But the weight of their secret was becoming increasingly burdensome, and Biffle suggested, "We have to tell them eventually— we can't hide this for long."

"He's right, Ian, we can't hide this forever," Ambrew agreed.

"I know. I'll tell them when it's the right time," SSundee reassured.

"It's too bad because I already know," a voice declared from outside the door.

The five jumped in shock again, and the door opened to reveal Nico, who wore an annoyed expression on his face.

"How much did you hear?!" Zud exclaimed, his eyes wide with concern.

"I overheard you guys talking as Sigils walked away from Henwy's room. I was curious, so I eavesdropped," Nico confessed.

"Listen, we didn't mean to keep this secret, just don't tell S-," SSundee began, but Nico interrupted him.

"Secrets can't be kept forever, but I can keep this secret from Sigils," Nico assured them.

Relieved, Ambrew replied, "Thank goodness."

"But I don't understand what you guys were talking about," Nico added, his curiosity piqued.

Biffle, considering the situation, asked, "Should we tell him? Like he said, secrets can't be kept forever."

"Yeah, Garry, your time to shine," SSundee urged.

GarryBlox sighed and began explaining everything to Nico, revealing the shocking revelation that the Time Guardian was Henwy, along with the identities of the other Guardians of the Afterlife and the history of the old batch of assassins.

"That's a crazy discovery," Nico commented, his eyes wide in astonishment.

"I know right? But we have to tell Sigils this eventually— he might figure it out," Biffle acknowledged.




"Figure what out?"

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