4: Resurrection's Sacrifice

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After a painstaking journey, Henwy finally reached Panhenge, a place accessible only through countless stairs. His sole purpose was to find the fabled Resuscitated Crystal that was rumoured to be buried in the middle of rock formations and seek retribution against the culprit responsible for the loss of his dear friends—Lookumz.

"It's you. You're the one who took my friends from me," Henwy accused.

"Well, I wouldn't have if they hadn't tried to take my life first," Lookumz retorted, his voice dripping with cold resentment.

Henwy's eyes bore into Lookumz, unable to fathom the betrayal. "We used to be friends. How could you do this?"

Lookumz's face twisted in anger. "Because you humiliated me! You mocked me, and they all laughed. Then the leader of the serial killers offered me a way out. Now, I can protect myself. Nobody can bully me anymore!"

Henwy, realizing the gravity of his past actions, exclaimed, "Well, that was in the past! I'm sorry for what I've caused!"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it!" Lookumz snarled and hurled a kunai at Henwy, who swiftly evaded the deadly projectile.

In an attempt to seek revenge, Lookumz had deliberately infiltrated the assassins' hideout, hoping to draw Henwy into a fatal confrontation. "I came here to kill you, but you were busy, so I took your friends instead!" Lookumz admitted.

"I didn't come here to fight you. I'm searching for the Resuscitated Crystal; I have no intention of killing you," Henwy declared.

Lookumz, clutching the crystal, taunted Henwy, "The Resuscitated Crystal, huh? Is this what you seek? Assassins like you rely too much on their special abilities and forget to use their brains."

Henwy retorted, "Keep telling yourself that," and yelled a single word— "NOW!"

From behind a rock formation, SSundee, Zud, and Jerome emerged and descended upon Lookumz. They grappled with his surprising agility, making it a tough battle. Suddenly, a piece of paper and a gem tumbled from Lookumz's pocket. "NOOO!" he cried. "Give the gem back to me!" he demanded.

Henwy snatched the gem and the single-sentence note, reading it in his head: "The Resuscitated Amethyst allows the user to grant a wish. But when granting that wish, there is a price to pay."

Henwy contemplated the heavy choice he had to make: risking his own life to bring back the Regulars, or preserving his future. Should I do it? No, no, I don't think I should...

"Henwy, we need help here!" Zud implored. Henwy stood rooted to the ground, torn between the note and the gem. "Henwy?!" Zud called again.

"Hear me, demiurge..." Henwy began.

Jerome questioned, "What's he saying? Is he casting a spell?"

Lookumz, panic in his eyes, shouted, "NO! He's making a wish!"

SSundee demanded answers, "What is this all about?"

Lookumz explained, "The amethyst grants a wish, but there's a price to pay."

Zud exclaimed, "What kind of price?"

Lookumz replied, "He sacrifices his own life for his wish!"

Henwy's voice resonated with determination, "Don't let my friends suffer because of my mistakes..."

"HENWY!" Jerome cried out.

"Let them return to the real world!"

As SSundee had witnessed before, he groaned, "Here we go again..."

Zud held Lookumz hostage and ended his life, leaving everyone bewildered. Sparkles danced in the air, and Henwy vanished.

"Where the heck did he go?" Jerome asked.

"Maybe he's back at the base," Zud suggested.

But when they returned to the base and entered Henwy's room, he was nowhere to be found.

"What happened?" a voice from the room beside Henwy's inquired.





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