92: Final Battle Arc; Sigils and Karan vs. Caim Pt. 3

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Karan didn't want to draw his weapon at all. And he didn't like to fight anyone for amusement. But now, for the first time in a long while, he was up against strong opponent who could overwhelm him, and realised that his senses have been sharply honed in a short time.

Senses that were closed off to me have been awakened. Karan thought. To the place where my strong opponent stands. Now I understand how the intense to struggle and survive increases one's skill.

"Karan..." Sigils said, and as he looks on, the serial killer manifests a fish-like-mark on his cheek.

Karan makes a powerful swing at Caim, just barely missing his mark. His mark manifested! And his speed has increased! Sigils thought. The demon responds with a punch straight to his head but Karan ducks down and slashes his neck, forcing Caim to back away. Karan attacks the demon head-on, splitting the demon's arm but sustaining a gash to his head. Watching from a distance, Sigils notes:

They're both... so fast! But Caim quickly adapted to Karan's increased speed. In a drawn out fight, a human is at a huge disadvantage, and his strength won't last forever. Besides, our goal is to defeat Asmodeus, and we can't spend the night fighting Caim.

"Could there be a way to throw off Caim's fighting compass?"

As the two continue to clash, Caim parries Karan's blade, throwing him off-balance and attempting to throw a punch. Sigils goes for his exposed neck and attacks, but the the demon grabs his sword from behind him and throws a punch with his other hand, mocking Sigils for leaving himself open.

He is barely able to dodge the blow and sustains a cut across his stomach. Karan engages him again as Sigils backs away, attempting to find what Caim is sensing until he has an epiphany. That's when Sigils remembered a technique Slogo, Jelly and Crainer has taught Henwy earlier before Sigils even joined the assassins.

"You open your five senses, becoming conscious to your own body down to each and every blood vessel." Slogo recalled.

"This period is truly strenuous, and you will think that no matter how much you struggle, you will not be able to go further." Jelly added.

"Before long, you become able to open and close the blood vessels throughout your body as quickly as easily as blinking. When your head becomes clear, you can see the transparent world. However, you can only reach this domain because you pushed yourself to the limit of your strength." Crainer stated.

"That's what I remember for now." Henwy said, bringing back to the present.

"Can I go to the transparent world?" Sigils questioned.

"That's if you continue working diligently." Henwy quipped.

Having seen the Transparent World momentarily, Sigils realizes his own perception and speed had increased dramatically; he was able to predict Caim's attacks and evade them. His breathing and the flow of his blood became visible to him, and he even saw his own muscles contract; he determines that by closing off his Fighting Spirit, he may be able to behead him.

As the now desperate Karan attacks against Caim, the demon only sustains a shallow cut to his neck, while the serial killer is wounded in his shoulder.

Damn it! I barely cut him! It was too shallow! Karan thought.

Sigils, watching as Caim gets close to Karan, observes the demon and attempts to concentrate. Karan slashes down on the demon's neck, but Caim intercepts the slash, using his fist to break off the serial killer's sword.

"NO!" Sigils yelled.

Shocked at his weapon breaking, Karan stands helplessly as Caim bids him goodbye and aims a punch at his chest. Blood sprays from his hand is but it is Caim's own, his hand had been suddenly sliced off as Sigils saves Karan, who notes, "The sound of his breathing is different. His eyes look different too."

Something changed in him. He's dangerous! Caim thought.

Caim summons his Compass Needle and launches numerous explosives shockwaves in an omni-direction wave. Karan panics at his increased power and wonders, The speed of his attacks is increasing again! His power is increasing, can I withstand it?!

Sigils realised. This was what Henwy was talking about. The transparent world. In Sigils's view, time was passing slowly, or does the movement just looked slow?

Karan sustains severe wounds across his body as the shockwaves pass through his defensive stance. I couldn't block it! Karan thought.

Akaza is impressed to see the serial killer survive the attack and offers, "Your strength is impressive. Want to become a demon?"

It was inescapable. He hit me with a hundred blows almost at once. Karan thought. How am I going to defeat him?

But as Caim proposed his offer, Karan notices Sigils standing behind him, and hope Sigils behead him before he sensed or notice him.

But Sigils was a fool, and yelled, "Caim! I'm going to cut off your head!", as Karan chides him in his mind for giving away his position. Caim swings but Sigils evades the punch and goes for an attack.

Despite being surprised Sigils has survived, he pays no attention and believes his Compass Needle will sense him. However, he realised something. He was unable to sense anything as his Fighting Spirit is now absent. Initially worried, Caim composes himself and waits for the attack to be detected, but Sigils has already beheaded the demon, much to his and Karan's shock.

Is he dead?

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