63: Assassin Training Arc; Dodging Training

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Unfortunately, Slogo wasn't very friendly. His training was well... let it speak for itself, shall we?

When Sigils went to the next training, he greeted Slogo and as he walked in, the room was filled with bound individuals covering the floors and walls, a sight that left Sigils bewildered. "What the—"

"That's your training. As you can tell, I'm not VERY friendly— you're gonna have to swing your strongest weapon to dodge the obstacles, which is me, and the people all tied up here. If you hit them, well, that's your problem." Slogo explained.

"What?! I'm not gonna hurt them!" Sigils declared.

"That depends if you're careless." Slogo replied.

"What did these people even do...?" Sigils reluctantly asked.

"The crime of being a pain in the butt! The crime of being weak! The crime of not learning! The crime of irritating me! You name it." Slogo quipped.

"If you mess up... you'll end up like them, and miss all the other trainings." Slogo warned.

Henwy was right... Slogo doesn't give you any mercy...

And so the extremely horrible training began. Sigils had to use his samurai sword because that was his strongest weapon, which means hitting them would cause great injury. Slogo's attacks weaves between the poor people tied up.

Because he was in the corps in 2015, his attacks were strong in strange ways. Sigils hands shook like never before. So far, he has dodged most of them, and unfortunately, Slogo made it harder since he aced it.

"This is too easy for you, isn't it?" Slogo asked, annoyed.

"N-No! It's already as difficult as it could be!" Sigils stammered.

"Don't care. We'll make this even harder. We spare those tied up ones." Slogo replied.

"Oh, that's good. They're not gonna be victims anymore!" Sigils exclaimed.

"Yes, yes. Unless you mess up, you're gonna end up being the victim." Slogo warned.

That doesn't sound pleasant...

Well of course, knowing Slogo, his training would be harder. Sigils was thrown into a room filled with...


"...is this a joke?" Sigils asked.

"Nope." Slogo quipped, and pulled a lever, and the lights turned on, revealing obstacles. Deadly ones.

"Uhm, Josh, don't you think it's a little bit deadly?" Sigils inquired.

"Well if you die that's not my problem. It's yours because you never dodged." Slogo replied. "And it's just gonna get harder and harder when you progress."

Does he not care about us dying?!

"Oh... may Biffle luck bless me..." Sigils whispered, praying he'd survive.

Navigating the deadly obstacles, Sigils dodged each one, surprising even Slogo. "Has God blessed me?" Sigils whispered.

"You know, im impressed at your dodging skills. You were so hesitant." Slogo admitted, impressed.

"Well, it takes practice. Like what SSundee would say." Sigils recalled.

"Wise. You can move on to the next station." Slogo stated.

"Wait, really?" Sigils asked.

"Yeah, go ahead." Slogo repeated.

That wasn't that bad. Biffle luck blessed me! Sigils thought.

On to the next training!

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