3: The Resuscitated Amethyst

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(There's 3 Easter eggs hidden in here! 🥚)

"Garry, track the last serial killers that were around the coordinates of -4, 6, 21," Henwy demanded, his voice tinged with determination.

"Got it!" GarryBlox replied, swiftly working his computer.

"Are you really doing this?" SSundee asked, uncertainty in his voice.

"Yes, I am. If I find the serial killer that killed my friends, I can get revenge for them," Henwy replied with a resolute expression. SSundee sighed and rested at a corner, watching Henwy intently.

"I've got a lead! It's someone named Lookumz, he's last seen at the rock formations at Panhenge," GarryBlox exclaimed.

"That's the serial killer's name I told the Regulars to track down! Or was it? I don't remember." SSundee exclaimed.

"That's an old friend of mine, he's the one that killed my friends? And Panhenge? What's that?" Henwy asked, curiosity piqued.

"Panhenge?" Mitzefy asked. "I was recently reading about a healer's journal, and they used rock formations to revive someone, but they used a special amethyst gem to revive someone or more than one person," Mitzefy replied.

She handed Henwy a dusty old book and instructed him to flip to a certain page. It displayed an image of the rock formation with the amethyst crystal, and Henwy examined it closely.

 It displayed an image of the rock formation with the amethyst crystal, and Henwy examined it closely

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"The Resuscitated Amethyst? That sounds promising," Henwy mused. "Yeah, on page 47, the healer pasted a close-up picture of the amethyst," Mitzefy added. "It grants the user who owns this gem a wish?!"

"Where is it? Is there any information about the gem?" Henwy inquired.

"That's the thing. The gem was buried centuries ago, and there's no sign of the gem's buried location," Mitzefy confessed. "But I'm guessing it might be buried at the rock formation shown on page 46."

"Henwy, please tell me you're not planning to find that gem," SSundee groaned, his frustration apparent.

"What do you expect?" Henwy retorted. SSundee sighed. "Well, I'm not stopping you," he conceded. Henwy suddenly realized something.

SSundee had given up on trying to force him to forget the past.

"Listen, Ian. I know I want to get the Regulars back, but you shouldn't give up trying to stop me from getting them back. Maybe you could convince me, you'd never know," Henwy remarked.

"What's the point? You're already trying to find a way to get them back," SSundee stated with resignation.

There was dead silence until Henwy spoke again. "...That's true."

SSundee smacked his head and groaned. "Also, random question, Ian," Henwy said.

"What is it now?" SSundee asked.

"Where's Panhenge, again...?" Henwy asked innocently.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" SSundee screamed and groaned, realizing he was in for quite an adventure with Henwy's determination to seek revenge and find the Resuscitated Amethyst.

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