She can't help but smile at the thought. And before she knows it, he's the one leaning in.

But wait. "Stop!"

Startled, Finn pulls back with daze etched on his furrowed brows. His confused gaze flicks between her hand placed on his chest and her eyes.

"Morning breath."

Relief floods him as his gaze softens. Bowing his head, he surrenders to hushed laughter.

Thalia joins in, her cheeks flushed to match his. Soon, they both dissolve into quiet but liberating mirth, lacking any discernible cause of it.

Thalia doesn't recall ever freshening up so swiftly in her life.

She strolls into the kitchen, a radiant smile creeping onto her face once she encounters Finn leaning against the counter.

With hesitant steps, she approaches him before wrapping her arms around his neck, drawing him close to her form.

He responds by placing his hands on her waist, heart pounding in his chest.



Finding the nature of this slightly unorthodox, the pair can only gaze at one another. Neither of them dare to take initiative.

"So..." Thalia chews on her bottom lip; Finn can't help but stare.

The longer he gazes at her lips, a smile creeps onto his face. Thalias heart races as he leans in once again, their lips almost touching-

The abrupt beeping of the microwave startles them, breaking the spell of the moment as they both jerk away.

"Fuck." He sighs, chuckling under his breath as he retrieves the meal.

Thalias internal frustration mounts as she stands there, nervously twirling her fingers. The repeated interruptions begin to feel significant.

Perhaps this is the universes way of saying that they should remain friends; Perhaps this can never truly happen.

"Finn, maybe we should just-"

Her words are abruptly halted as Finn pulls her in, finally locking their lips.

Taken aback, she smiles into the kiss. Her heart takes a leap as he reciprocates, while bringing her form closer to his.

Their lips move with a gentle yet keen rhythm, igniting a surge of electricity that courses through their bodies. Finns touch sends shivers down Thalias spine, melting away any remaining trace of hesitation.

His hands remain firmly anchored to her waist, while hers delicately thread through his hair.

It feels as if they could dwell in this moment eternally. It feels like everything has finally aligned, like they've found themselves exactly where they were meant to be all along.

Everything finally seems right.

After a minute, they reluctantly pull apart for breath, but their faces remain close, foreheads touching.

Thalias face is adorned with an unyielding smile, accompanied by the shade of crimson gracing her cheeks.

"You were saying?" He whispers, breaking into a little chuckle.

"Nothing." Thalia reciprocates. "Nothing at all."

The pair shares a quiet breakfast, their attention primarily fixed on the TV screen. They exchange occasional and fleeting glances at one another, breaking into uncontainable smiles each time.

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