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The longer Thalia gazes at the bright display, the further her eyebrows crinkle.

Incoming call from mother.

With a reluctant sigh, she swiftly swipes her finger on the screen and lifts it up to her ear.

"Hi mom."

"Hello dear." The familiar voice beams through the phone speakers. Quite some time has passed since Thalia last heard it.

"Your father and I saw your latest Instagram post."

It immediately clicks together why she's calling. It's not to check up on her daughter, which would be absurd.

The reason is a certain dark haired boy who's sat beside her at this very moment, silently listening into the conversation.

"We're so glad you rekindled your friendship with Finn. It's a rare, beautiful connection that you two share."

Thalia rolls her eyes and sneers at her mothers words, hoping Finn doesn't read anything else on her face.

Fighting the urge to smile, Finn turns his gaze toward the floor.

"Thanks mom. Anything else you have to say?"

"Yes, actually." She clears her throat. "We were wondering if you two would like to come and join us for dinner tonight."

Thalias indifferent gaze contrasts with Finns excited one as they lock eyes. He mouths "let's do it" while she mouths "over my dead body".

"We would love to."

An irritated gasp escapes her mouth as Finn speaks on her behalf. She throws a hard punch at his arm, receiving nothing but a giggle.

"Oh, hello Finn! How wonderful. We've really missed you, dear."

Thalia continues to strike Finn while he engages in conversation with her mother, avoiding the furious girl and her antics.

With a shove, she pushes him back onto the couch, receiving a chuckle and an "ow!" as his head slams against the armrest.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes ma'am, sorry." He stifles a laugh. "I brought a stray cat inside earlier and she's being really aggressive right now."

Hovering over him, Thalia scoffs and delivers a final smack to his chest before leaving the couch.

The window is rolled down, the familiar aroma of Paris slowly drifting away as they leave the city behind.

"I still can't believe you did that."

Finn sighs, stealing a glance at the enraged brunette sat in the passenger seat. Her cheek is resting on her palm with her elbow propped up on the windowsill.

"I'm sorry. I know you don't wanna endure your parents right now, but it's only a few hours."

"Plus, the nostalgia might be kind of nice." He shrugs.

She remains silent for a bit before humming, eyebrows furrowed.

"Do you actually wanna see them or is this some kind of sabotage? Do you secretly hate me, Finn? Is that it?"

She rises from her position, leaning towards him with determination. "You're plotting my downfall, aren't you? Who hired you, huh? Start speaking."

He blinks. "You need some rest."

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