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A month unfolded like pages in a forgotten diary as Thalia and Finn retreated into the separate corners of their lives.

Thalia found readjusting to her routine surprisingly smooth. She hasn't once hovered over that text box, in-fact, she's managed to stay far from it.

She came to a sobering realisation - perhaps she didn't need Finn in her life after all.

He was right, they're merely two separate souls who were friends as kids, and somehow stumbled into the arms of fate for a short lived reunion. That's all they were and it was foolish of her to think otherwise.

On a more positive note, Thalias bonds with Pierre and Adeline have flourished.

With Finn no longer occupying her thoughts, she's able to invest more time and energy into the people who truly matter, her genuine friends.

The rich aroma of coffee lingers in the ambience as the three souls sit near the bar, the barista accompanying them.

"I should start my own bakery." Adeline smiles, ocean blue eyes directed at the counter.

"When I have my own cafe, you should have a bakery next door." Pierre adds. "We can be neighbours!"

The benevolent girl gasps and points an agreeing finger at the blonde. "Yes!"

"That's one way to end a friendship." Thalia sips her coffee in a subdued manner, receiving a look from Juniper.

"You okay?"

"Am I ever?" She rolls her eyes.

"No, but you seem less okay than usual."

"It just seems that way cause we're sat with miss rainbow sprinkles and mr. Sunshine."

Juniper lets out a soft chuckle as they turn their gaze towards the two blondes, who are deeply engrossed in fervent discussions about their future bakery and cafe.

Adeline continues to ramble, but Pierres focus drifts away from the conversation as his gaze lands on an eerily reoccurring sight.

His eyebrows furrow as he observes the individual. Their eyes are concealed beneath a hat, and they seem to be hiding behind a laptop strategically positioned on the table.

Are they intentionally concealing themselves?

He's seen this person enter before. They never make a purchase, opting instead to sit with the laptop angled that way, precisely in that seat, always wearing a hat.

"Hey... I feel like I've noticed that person every time Thalia is here." Pierres voice is hushed.

The trio whirls their heads around, their attention fixed on the shrouded figure. Juniper leans in, whispering urgently into Thalias ear.

"Is that who I think it is?"

Thalia crinkles her eyebrows, but as juniper continues staring at her, she catches on and widens her eyes.

"I don't know. Isn't that sort of far fetched?"

"Guys, what are we talking about?" Adeline frowns.

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