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The soft glow of midday seeps through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth on Thalias room. Her eyes flutter open, adjusting to the daylight filtering in.

With a sigh, she rolls onto her back and stares at the ceiling.

The clock reads 2pm, and the memories of the night before replay in her mind like scenes from her favourite film.

The beach, the stars, the way Finns smile lit up the darkness, the flicker of his eyes with each drag of a cigarette, the rhythmic dance of the breeze through his hair.

A subtle smile graces her lips as she recalls how he attentively listened to every word during her rant.

The way his gazed was fixed on her, it was almost as if she outshone the stars themselves.

Finn is leaving within a week - the realization weighs heavy on her chest.

In the back of her mind, she's been aware of this impending departure, but the reality of her feelings hit her like a truck.

Her fingers trace invisible patterns on the sheets as she sifts through her mind.

Their relationship thrives on a silent understanding, a connection unspoken yet deeply felt. In each-others presence, they find solace, evoking a sense of security akin to home.

Yet, the dynamics are shifting, evolving into something she wishes it wasn't.

At least, not at this moment.

The room remains still as her mind races. She rehearses mental notes, convincing herself to quell these feelings, to protect what they have. "He's leaving soon" she repeats to herself, both a reminder and a warning.

Thalia despises that she can't deny the warmth that fills her when he's around, the comfort of his laughter, the familiarity of his presence.

Or the way her heart manages to skip a beat every time he places a hand on her leg, completely unaware that such an innocent act is driving her insane.

With a heavy sigh, she pushes herself out of bed, determined to face the day.

The sunlight streaming into the room serves as a stark reminder - a spotlight on the emotions she can no longer ignore.


Help me.

what happened

I don't know.
Can you come over?


Thalia inspects the note stuck to the fridge with a heavy weight settling on her chest.

The message, "on a date!" is accompanied by a poorly drawn stickman wearing sunglasses and dabbing.

Initially smiling at the note, the further she dwells on it, the heavier her chest feels.

The idea of him being on a date with someone seems to tug at her heart, a selfish, irrational feeling that she can't shake off.

Crossing her arms, Thalia chews on her lower lip while fixated on the note.

Despite her attempts to distract herself, she finds it impossible to tear herself away. Everything else around her becomes background, drowned out by her thoughts.

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